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International Paint Limited,

NEW BOAT? X International NONEW PAINT.

You don't need a new boat. All you need is TOPLAC - a new paint tor tired topsides - wood, metal and glassfibre.

TOPLAC has two outstanding advantages over traditional single-pack paints.

Firstly, TOPLAC has outstanding gloss and colour retention because of its novel u.v. resistant chemical structure. It chalks and t,Kh t;ir I»N ih;in -MiKlird I'luinck as proven on k t in Mime ol the worlds toughest climates.

Six i indly, with TOPLAC you can achieve a superb finish with minimal fuss. The formulation gives unparalleled flow and wet edge time so you can apply it easily by brush without leaving brushmarks.

We've tested TOPLAC with both experienced and inexperienced painters and it has already established quite a following with professionals.

To leam more about TOPLAC, pick up a leaflet at your local chandlery or call us on our telephone number below.


International Schooner will not only enhance the natural beauty of wood but help you achieve a standard ot finish previously only attained by skilled craftsmen.

The latest technology enables UV light stabilizers to be added to the product which help retain gloss, prevent cracking and avoid the unsightly peeling or delamination so often associated with conventional varnishes.

COURTAULDS COATINGS International International Paint Limited, 24-30 Canute Road, Southampton, Hampshire, UK. SO14 3PB. Tel: 01703 226722. X KM) •InWmMMMT ** tiMMmvU of Court*** Cottmci iHoWmfs: umntd..