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As part of the campaign to bring relief to the back pain sufferers of Britain every reader will receive a FREE book entitled "Say Goodbye to Back Pain" (over 90 Pages) written by the renowned MarieLouise Innocenti who has conducted intensive studies on back pain over many years and gives valuable information on how relief from back pain can now be achieved. A must for all backache sufferers, this book is FREE (normally £7.95) with every order.

To order simply ring our credit card order line anytime night or day or complete the coupon and post today. We promise satisfaction or your cash back in full.

Post orders Co: Health & Home Shopping (Dept. 721 A), 47 Brunei Avenue, Manchester M5 4JB.

To: Health & Home Shopping (Dept. 721A), 47 Brunei Avenue, Manchester M5 4JB.

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