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ADVERTISEMENT DIRECT READER OFFER SAVE £££'s BY BUYING DIRECT EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 180 CAPSULES ONLY £7.49 (INCL. P&P) WHY PAY OVER £20 IN THE SHOPS? AS FEATURED IN 'WHICH? MAGAZINE' ... Just look at what the April 1994 'Which? Way to Health' Report had to say about Health Post Evening Primrose Oil...

"Mail - -ier evening primrose oil can save you money. Compare the prices: Health Post, 5p acapr ' Efamol, 11p a capsule.." Not only was HEalth Post Evening Primrose Oil the cheapest on the market of all the products tested, but it also provided a higher percentage (mg) of GLA per capsule, than the two major high street brands tested.

Research has shown that GLA is as vital tor our health as vitamins and minerals. Our bodies should make their own natural supply, but in many cases it is not sufficient so taking Evening Primrose Oil can be beneficial in maintaining our health and well being.

COD LIVER OIL WITH VITAMINS A, D & E 360 ONE-A-DAY CAPSULES - ONLY £8.99 (INCL. P&P) SUPER COD LIVER OH With Vitamins A D&£ Cod Liver Oil is usually taken for its content of Vitamins A & D. It also contains the important fatty acids EPA and DMA.

Vitamin A functions in the body for the health of the eyes, skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes.

Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphates from food, our bodhs manufacture Vitamin D by the action of sunlight on the skin abut during the grey winter months we do not make as much - one of the reasons for taking Cod Liver Oil at this time.

CREDIT CARD HOTLINE 01604696900 (ORDER NO: YO4) Health Post Reader Offer Castle Ashby, Northampton, NN7 1LF TO ORDER BY POST: simply fill in the coupon below and post today with your credit card details or a cheque or crossed postal order made payable to Health Post Ltd. You will receive your order within 28 days of your payment being processed.

GARLIC ODOURLESS CAPSULES 360 ONE-A-DAY CAPSULES - ONLY £8.99 (INCL. P&P) ALL THE BENEFITS OF GARLIC WITHOUT THE ODOUR! The use of garlic in healthcare goes back many centuries and it is now one of the most popular health supplements - particularly during the Winter.

Recent research suggests that garlic may be of benefit to the health of the heart and circulation, helping to maintain normal levels of blood fats, including cholesterol, normal blood pressure and also blood viscosity.

HEALTH POST READER OFFER CASTLE ASHBY, NORTHAMPTON, NN7 1LF PLEASE SEND ME EVENING PRIMROSE OIL - 180 CAPSULES FOR £7.49 (•«.. P&P) EVENING PRIMROSE OIL - 360 CAPSULES FOR £13.98 («a p«p COD LIVER OIL - 360 CAPSULES FOR £8.99 CNCL P&PI GARLIC OIL - 360 CAPSULES FOR £8.99 IMCI. P&PI QUANTITY TOTAL COST COST MR MRS MISS-MS PIEASE US€ BLOCK CAPITALS ADDRESS POSTCODE I enclose cheque/PO for £_ made payable to Health Post Ltd Or debit my ACCESS/VISA I I I I Expiry Datennnn Signature _ Data Protection Act 1984, We may make your name and address available to other reputable, carefully selected organisations whose products and services may be of interest to you If you would prefer not to receive such mailing please ttck this box . Health Post Ltd. Registration Number 2677605 i o .