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Royal National Lifeboat Institution Contents Volume 54 Number 533 Chairman: SIR MICHAEL VERNON Director and Secretary: LT CDR BRIAN MILES CUE RD FNI RNR Editor: MIKE FLOYD .

Editorial Assistants: MARY GYOPARI JON JONES Advertisement Manager: JOHN FARNHILL Classified Advertisements: MARION BARDSLEY Headquarters: Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

West Quay Road.


Dorset BH15 1HZ.

Telephone Poole (01202) 671133 Telex 41328.

Registered Charity No. 209603 RNLI News 38 What's happening in and around the Institution Lifeboat Services 40 Including two Vellum award services...

Bookshelf 44 Some recent publications reviewed The Wood for the Trees 46 The RNLI still has a need for new wooden boats Mike Floyd investigates Open House 48 Photos from the 1995 Open Days at Poole Ceremonies 49 Lifeboats and boathouses named and opened Legacy Lifeline 52 Legacies provide 60% of the RNLI's income - we look at how they enable the Institution to plan ahead Your Letters 54 Your views on all aspects of lifeboats and related subjects Past and Present 56 From THE LIFEBOAT of 1870 and one of today's lifeboatmen The Fundraisers 58 How some of the money is raised Membership News 63 for Shoreline, Governors and Storm Force members People and Places 66 Around and about the RNLI Lifeboat Services 68 March, April and May 1995.