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The Russian Fish Factory Ship Pionersk

Lerwick lifeboat's service to the Russian fish factory ship Pionersk, recounted in the Winter 1994/5 issue of THE LIFEBOAT, has been recognised by the award of a Silver Medal for Gallantry to the coxswain, Hewitt Clark, and The Thanks of The Institution on Vellum to Second Coxswain PeterThompson and crew members Ian Fraser, Ian Tulloch, Robert Wiseman and Richard Simpson.

Coxswain Clark took the Arun class lifeboat Soldian alongside the casualty more than 70 times in atrocious conditions with winds up to Storm Force 10, and often less than 20ft from sheer cliffs. Her crew were working on deck in total darkness and subjected to leaking bunker oil and ammonia gas. Despite the conditions 67 Russian seamen were plucked to safety.

Just four days later Soldian and her crew were back in action in another service which led to the award of another Thanks on Vellum….