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Membership News

Deeds of Covenant The sheet of paper which carries your address label for this issue of the journal has advice and guidelines for completing a deed of covenant.

If your address label has the code COV NA, you have already signed a covenant and we are most grateful for this additional support. There is no need to take any action.

However, if your label has a code COV PC, you can ensure that the Royal National Lifeboat Institution receives maximum benefit from your subscription payment simply by completing a deed of covenant.

If you are a UK taxpayer (whether through your salary, pension or savings) you qualify to sign a covenant and this will benefit the RNLI by an extra 33p in the£l.

Once a Deed of Covenant has been processed the RNLI is able to recover from the Revenue the tax which you have already paid on your earnings - at no additional cost to yourself.

Please help us by completing the form.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our Membership Services Office on Poole (01202) 671133.

Christmas Appeal During November 1994 members, donors and customers were asked to support the RNLI through a letter from Dave Kennett, the now-retired coxswain of Yarmouth (loW) lifeboat. A wonderful response was received and more than £415,000 was raised as a result.

Thank you for your most generous support. Dave has sent a personal message to all of those who responded and particularly for the kind wishes he received for his retirement (see 'Your Letters', page 304 of this issue).

Recruitment Over 800 members were recruited at January's London Boat Show, a tremendous result. Many existing members also visited the stand to purchase items from the insignia range, or just to say hello. To all those who did, thank you.

New activities are being developed for the recruitment of members this year, to maintain our ever-growing numbers.Over 30,000 new supporters joined us in 1994, through such diverse means as mailings, radio, press inserts and exhibitions.

Our current total of members now stands at 212,000.

Station Open Days We hope that our members will take advantage of the fact that virtually all lifeboat stations will be open on Sunday 28 May 1995. This is the first time that this event has taken place on a national basis and it is marvellous opportunity for youto meet the lifeboat crews.

If you require any further information please contact your regional office or ring headquarters and ask for Jennifer Bush (ext 2033) who will be pleased to help you.Storm Force Birthday Celebration Storm Force celebrated its 1 Oth birthday on Wednesday 4 January, appropriately enough at the London International Boat Show where it was first launched.

Two Storm Force members, Jennifer Moss from Liskeard and Richard Chambers from Cannock - both of whom celebrated 10th birthdays at the same time - cut a special cake to mark the occasion.

Ex-'Blue Peter' presenter Anthea Turner, who had earlier opened the Boat Show officially, visited the RNLI stand just as the cake was being cut and was able to join in the fun.

Storm Force now has 21,772 individual members and 126 groups and its own character Stormy Stan and his friend Eric the seagull have delighted the younger members with their exploits, which are now being featured in a strip cartoon in Storm Force News. It is hoped that a major commercial company will 'adopt' Stormy Stan as a character, with further promotion for Storm Force..