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With deep regret we record the following deaths: SEPTEMBER 1994 John Jenkins, former coxswain of Dun Laoghaire from 1951 to 1966.

Mrs Vera Buckley, souvenir secretary of Marsden ladies' guild since 1986. She served as vice chairman from 1982 to 1986 and was awarded a Silver badge in 1994.

Richard Courage JP DL, president of Brentwood branch since 1983.

OCTOBER 1994 Howard Biggs, honorary secretary and treasurer of Broadstairs branch since 1952 and also box secretary from 1949. He was awarded a Silver badge in 1963, a Gold badge in 1974 and a bar to the Gold badge in 1985.

Mr Biggs was appointed an honorary life governor in 1991 in recognition of his service to the branch.

Doctor Dick Rutherfurd MB, vice chairman of Kirkcudbright lifeboat station branch. Dr Rutherfurd had been involved with the station since 1956, serving as honorary secretary, honorary medical adviser and committee member. He was awarded a Scottish Council record of thanks in 1973, binoculars in 1974 and a Gold badge in 1986.

NOVEMBER Ian Brown, former honorary treasurer of North Berwick station branch from 1971 to 1989.

Mrs Barbara Yuille, former honorary treasurer of Biggar ladies' guild from 1970 to 1992. She was awarded a Silver badge in 1983 and a Gold badge in 1994.

Captain Barry Anderson CBE JP DL RN, former honorary secretary of Torbay lifeboat station from 1975 to 1983 and chairman from 1985 to 1990. He was awarded a Silver badge in 1989..