Thanks on Vellum for Scarborough service A service on 12 August 1994 by Scarborough's Mersey class Fanny Victoria Wilkinson and Frank Stubbs, which was reported in the Autumn issue of THE LIFEBOAT, has led to Coxswain Richard Constantine being awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.
The lifeboat had been launched to help search for a woman who had been swept into the sea, and Coxswain Constantine made eight attempts to approach her in extremely difficult conditions.
A strong onshore wind was creating a 12ft sea, which rebounded from a sheer sea wall to create very rough and confused conditions.
In his report Tom Nutman, divisional inspector of lifeboats for the north division described Coxswain Constantine's seamanship as 'superb' and said: '...he kept excellent control of his lifeboat in a very dangerous situation and although he was unable to retrieve the casualty nothing but praise has been heard from all of those at the scene.' on.