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Membership News

RAC/RNLI The RAC has joined forces with the RNLI to promote safety on the road and at sea. As well as publicising a wide range of local, regional, national and business-linked fundraising activities, the RAC is offering RNLI supporters significant discounts on both RAC membership and insurance.

Please see the RAC pack enclosed as in insert in this issue of THE LIFEBOAT for further details.

The RAC will donate up to £20 to the RNLI for each RAC enrolment and a further £15 donation on takeup of the RAC insurance offer.

Direct Debits Thanks to members who completed a direct debit in the Spring 1994 issue of The Lifeboat. A total of 1,057 direct debits were received and we are most grateful to all those members who have chosen to pay their membership subscription by this method.

The saving in administration costs, without any extra expense to you, will ensure that even more of your support goes directly to the lifeboat crews. If you missed the opportunity to complete a direct debit, please contact Membership Services at RNLI Headquarters on (0202) 671133 who will be pleased to supply you with a form.

Radio Advertising After a successful trial in 1993, further radio advertising is planned during November on Classic FM and a new Scottish station (launched in September) called Scot FM. Both membership and donation versions of advertisements will be tested.

Coming Through Your Door...

A large door-drop will be distributed during October to selected regions.

This follows a successful trial in February which recruited over 2,000 new supporters. Because we cannot isolate existing members when using these door-drops some people who are already members may receive the pack.

This method of recruitment has proved very cost effective, so the packs are by no means 'wasted' If you do receive a pack please acceptour apologies, but perhaps you could pass the pack to a friend or relative who would be interested in joining the RNLI? Address Labels One or two members have been concerned about the use of the sheet of paper carrying the address label for the Journal, and the possible cost.

Rest assured that the current system is the most economical for us at the moment, although, of course, the situation is kept under constant review.

The labels currently used are known as 'Cheshire labels', - an economical form of label which can be used in the mechanical process necessary for the dispatch of THE LIFEBOAT and its inserts. These labels will not adhere to polythene and require a carrier, such as the A4 sheet of paper we use at present.

The alternative is to use self-adhesive labels which will adhere successfully to a polythene wrap. However these are more expensive and cannot be used in the mechanised enclosing system. Therefore, in the interests of economy we use the Cheshire labels rather than the selfadhesive kind.

It is also worth mentioning that the additional sheet of paper has allowed us to promote deeds of covenant, direct debits and other fundraising activities to members, at no extra cost, which has resulted in an additional boost to RNLI income.

Gift Membership In this issue you will find an insert inviting you to make a gift of RNLI membership to a friend or relative.

This is an ideal way to give an unusual and thoughtful present. Not only will it be appreciated by the person who receives it, but it will help the RNLI to continue its work.

With Christmas fast approaching it might also help to solve those difficult present problems, too!.