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A Boat

Station Name: Lifeboat: Date of Launch: Cause of Service: Weather: Visibility: Wind: Sea state: Swell: Tenby RFA Sir Galahad 26 June 1994 Vessel lost her rudder Rain Moderate South west Force 5 to 6 Rough Two metresI was told by the station honorary secretary that a vessel had lost her rudder off Pendine. Another boat was towing her but conditions had got too bad for them and they required immediate assistance.

On reaching them they were close to the beach, just inside the surf. The towing boat slipped her tow line and we passed our line to the casualty and towed her out into deeper water.We then crossed the bar and took her up to Llanstephan.

There were two people and two dogs on board - all wearing lifejackets.

At Llanstephan we left them in the care of the Coastguard and returned to Tenby to re-house.

Alan Thomas, CoxswainThe Honorary Secretary RNLI Tenby Dear Mr Squibbs, I am not normally an inarticulate person, but whatever I try to say to express my gratitude to the Tenby lifeboat crew will be inadequate.

My husband and I, with our two dogs, were returning yesterday from Saundersfoot to Llanstephan in our 22ft boat when we lost our rudder. The other small boat travelling in company with us tried to help but things were getting steadily nastier when your boys arrived, like the cavalry, and saved the day - and us.

Believe me, I have never been so thankful to see anything in my life as I was to see that lifeboat arriving. They must be mad to do something like that voluntarily when they could be sitting safely at home watching television with the family, or having a quiet pint, but I thank God they are, and I'm sure many like me have cause to say the same, Please accept the enclosed as a donation in gratitude to the RNLI from my husband and myself, and please pass on our wholly inadequate thanks to the crew. We think they're all wonderful! Yours Sincerely,.