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The freedom to be where you want to be t portable phone for just £99. PLUS a valuable donatiJ to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution ck up the superb NEC P100 Popular portable phone from Martin Dawes Communications and you'll be hand •passive saving of £100 off the original £199 price tag. And as part of this very special offer, we'll donate £12 to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution on your behalf.

There's even more good news ...

Your P100 Popular portable phone comes ready to use with a host of benefits from Martin Dawes Communications, including: • Only £25 connection charge to the Vodafone network and a choice of tariffs (Standard tariff connection normally £70.50) Full 12 months warranty. If your P100 portable phone breaks down through no fault of your own, we will repair it free of charge The option to change to a different network and tariff at any time for a small administration charge Standard or LowCail - your choice of tarif The tariff that's best for you depends on how you use your pho If you plan to make frequent calls, choose the Standard tar Alternatively, if you expect to make less than one call per day, choose the LowCail tariff. There is no charge for receiving incoming calls.

STANDARD TARIFF E70.50 Connection. Monthly line rental £29.38 Call Charges (per minute) including VAT @ 17.5% - Billed monthly Peak 29p Off Peak 12p All calte *e charged in 30 second increments after the first minute LOWCALL TARIFF £25 Connection. Monthly line rental £15.00 Call Charges (per minute) including VAT e 17.5% - Billed quarterly Peak 50p Off Peak 20p Ad calls are charged in 30 second increments after the first minute.

MARTIN DAWES C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 85 Sankey Street, Warrington WA1 ISO Royal National 1SO ~W * f* t .,«...»*.*». Lifeboat wcnpftff~mwc» * institutionMoney-back guarantee you are not delighted with your P100 portable phone can arrange collection calling Jill Black on 0925418418. Provided call within seven days of receipt and the phone is in its original packaging you will receive a full refund less call charges and delivery charges).

PRIORITY ORDER & DONATION FORM P100 Popular phone for just £99 PLUS Martin Dawes Communications guarantees to donate £12 to the Royal National Lifeboat"~ for each order fulfilled.

Complete this form and post to: Jill Black, Martin Dawes Communications, FREEPOST, Warrington WA1 1BR. (No stamp required) Or call 0800 500150 and we will reserve your phone immediately.

Or fax your order to 0925 258544 (24 hours) This original must be returned as confirmation of your order.

Title Mr./] Mrs, Miss Other Forename® Surname Address Postcode Tel No (Daytime) Tel No (Evening) Time at this address Years Months Date of birth Single _ Married Divorced ggsjdenM Stilus House Owner rj Tenant Q Living with parent Local housing authority _ Account Number 8(81118 Employed C Self employed D Re*«l D Unemployed ;_ Credit cards held (please tick) Access n Visa L" American Express ; Other Q Delivery address fif different) Branch Address Name on Bank Account SortCode [ TARIFF OPTIONS 1. 1.. J M HI Standard Tariff (Irequenl user) i — ISlilLSlil Billed monthly LowCall Tariff (infrequent user) i— Billed quarterly I— P100 POPULAR PHONE PURCHASE AND AIRTIME AGREEMENT INITIAL PAYMENT Please charge my credit/charge card with an initial payment of: Connection NEC P100 Popular Phone Fully Insured Delivery Please charge my credit/charge card with a total of £25.00 £99.00 £9.95 £133.95 Ttck card you with to UM Card Number SUBSEQUENT PAYMENTS Thereafter, I agree to pay the Standard monthly network rental of £29.38 (payable monthly n advance) or LowCall monthly networt AGREEMENT I accept the monthly Ine rental and cal charges as delated ii the Vodatone tariff shown beta* ii accordance v«th this artme agreemen and I accept the terms and conditions set out below.

X Date P100 POPULAR PHONE AND VODAFONE TARIFF (INC. VAT) ONCE ONLY PAYMENTS: Connection Charge: £25.00 Fully Guaranteed Delivery: £9.95 P100 Popular Phone Purchase: £99.00 ; TO PRINT STANDARD LOWCALL NETWORK RENTAL: (monthly) £29.38 CALL CHARGES: (per minute) Peak 29p Off Peak 12p AT charges incfUfeVAraf 17.5% £15.00 50p 20p Term* and Condition.* 1 . Al prices kxtude VAT. 2- Defvtry is within me United Kingdom and the offer applies to the UKorty. 3. Al orders must be charged to yw OBdft/charge card 4. The products are offered subject to avouMty. 5. The Artme Agreement is tor a rn.r»murn period of one year and is subfe to the Wl terms and condtoons of the Martin Dawes Artme Agreement which wi be sent to you with your NEC P100 Popular phone. You n* .

return the NEC P100 Popular phone and cancel the Airtime Agreement tor a hJ omdH (except for any cal charges incurred and detvery charge 7 days oTreceipt of your NEC PIOOPcix rj oroarKJ returrw rt to Martr Daw wrth a twerve month warranty. 7. Nothing herein affects the statutory rights of the c 9. Al NEC Pi(»Pcpu.9f phones vvi be ccroected to the rcnsu by contacting Martin Oewes on 0925 41&418 wflhJn that period. 6. The NEC Pi 00 Popular phone comes w 8. You are rwponafcte for insurance of the NEC P100 100 Popular phone. 9 . . .

messenger service as standard. 10. The NEC PlOO Popular phone is supplied subject to the ot a agned order form and the akxsbon a new oeUer telephone number from Martin Dewee The suppler of this product is Martin Dewes Cornmuntcat cris Lhtted. Registered Offic Grotto Houee. Cver Peover. Cheshire, Reg in England No 2379500. Written quotations aveMbte on nsouest 15. An amount olEI? * VAT wft part {for every phone system purchased vw this promotion onty) to the RNU. netfBtaed charity number 209003 One Call is all you Need. Phone FREE on O8OO SOO 15O Call Jill Black with your credit card details and order your phone now. We also welcome callers who just want to find out more or ask about the many other exceptional purchase and rental deals available..