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Membership News

Direct Debits If you received your journal through the post in one of the new plastic envelopes, you will find a direct debit form printed on the sheet which carried your address label.

We hope that, if you are a Shoreline member, Joint Shoreline members or an Annual Governor, you will consider completing this form for payment of your annual subscription.

It is the most trouble-free way to pay your subscription, and once the direct debit is set up there will be no need to write cheques or send postal orders for payment of your membership renewals in the future.

You are in total control of your bank account, as payments can only be made to the RNLI in line with the amount you have agreed to subscribe.

If membership subscriptions are to be increased, we will write to inform you at least 28 days before your next renewal is due. You will then be able to decide whether or not you wish your membership to continue at the new rate.

A further advantage of direct debits, is that you can deal directly with the RNLI over your payments. If you want these amended or stopped, you need only make one phone call to our Membership Services Office - and we can do it there and then with no fuss. Moreover, due to the minimum amount of administration required for direct debit claims and reduced charges made by the banks, it costs the RNLI significantly less to process these than, say, cheques or credit card payments, ensuring that more of your subscription payment goes directly towards helping the lifeboat crews.

If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to call our Membership Services Office on Poole (0202) 671133.

Membership Pack A new gift membership pack has just been produced - a colourful pack which contains lots of information about the lifeboat service, including a welcome brochure, car sticker, postcards, a sample of THE LIFEBOAT and more.

Two packs have been designed: one for Shoreline Membership and one for Governorship. At present the packs are being piloted at selected exhibitions - the London Boat Show in January was one - and later in the year it is planned to have the packs available for new members who join through face-to-face recruitment.

A new membership pack has also been prepared for Storm Force, and helped to meet the target of enrolling more than 1,000 new members at the London Boat Show.

The new pack contains a variety of new 'goodies' and proved extremely popular. All current members will receive them on renewal.

Storm Force is set to expand in 1994 and there will be opportunities for many members to attend rallies.

RNLI/National Trust Walks Make Sunday 5 June a special date in your lifeboat diary - that's when the RNLI joins forces with the National Trust for fundraising fun in a series of country-wide sponsored walks.

These walks have been planned as an enjoyable day out, walking through some of the most spectacular coastal scenery, taking in lifeboat stations and National Trust properties. We are hoping to raise at least £50,000. With your help, £25,000 in sponsorship for the RNLI will provide us with two D class inshore lifeboats, and with a similar amount the National Trust can buy and protect forever a piece of coastline.

The organised walks are approximately 12 miles long, although if you prefer you can go for a sponsored walk of your own choosing of whatever length suits you.

The RNLI/NT walks are planned for: Northumberland - Craster to Seahouses Northern Ireland - Newcastle, County Down (circular walk) Somerset - Dunster Castle to Minehead Yorkshire - Scarborough to Filey The Wirral - New Brighton to Heswall Gower Peninsula - Rhossili to Port Eynon/Horton Suffolk - Southwold to Dunwich Heath Kent - Dover to Deal Berkshire - Thames Path If you would like to take part in one of the organised walks, or plan to go on a walk of your own choosing, just contact Jennifer Bush at RNLI Headquarters, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH151HZ (telephone (0202) 671133 ext 233) for further details.

Complete the entry form, enclose the adult entry fee of £5 and return it to the RNLI. There is no entry fee for children under 16.

You will then be contacted by your particular Walk Coordinator who will give you all the information you require. It couldn't be simpler.

Walkers can choose to raise money either for the RNLI, the National Trust, or split their sponsored donation between two of Britain's best-loved charities.

Subscription Increase The last membership subscription increase was in September 1992 - and, in fact, this was the first increase since 1986.

In order to maintain the value of members' and Governors' contributions to the RNLI and to keep pace with future inflation, it was agreed that there should be regular, small increases thereafter. Rather than burdening you with irregular, substantial increases, it was felt more appropriate to keep pace with inflation and other financial needs through small, biennial increases.

Therefore, a small subscription increase is planned for September 1994 and details will be agreed at the Annual General Meeting in May and announced in the Summer issue of The Lifeboat.

Membership Insignia After a slight false start we are pleased to announce that the new range of membership insignia is available for purchase from 1 April 1994 . Our apologies to those members attending the London Boat Show expecting to see the launch of the new blue and orange design insignia.

Details of the new range will be available soon, and there is an insert in some issues of this journal..