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It Moosed Be a Mistake!

It Moosed be a mistake! No-one in the RNLI's membership department had an inkling that Mr A. Moose of the Station Hotel, Hurworth Place near Darlington was anything other than a normal, valued member - and the landlord of the Station Hotel didn't suspect that his moose was anything out of the ordinary until he received letters addressed to him from the RNLI! It seems that owner Keith Archer, himself a member, was also hoodwinked by regulars (who have already contributed to the Landlubbers Appeal to the tune of some £1,200) who had enroled the moose - owned by Hurworth cricket club which has adopted the pub as their headquarters - as a member.

Plans are afoot to upgrade Mr Moose's membership to Governor - which would give him a vote at the AGM!.

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