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Charlie Sharrod Has Been Coxswain of Hastings Lifeboat Since 1992.

Charlie Sharrod has been coxswain of Hastings lifeboat since 1992. He began his association with Hastings lifeboat in 1974 as a shore helper before joining the crew in 1983. He became second coxswain in 1987, has been an emergency mechanic since 1989 and also served in the crew of Hastings' inshore lifeboat between 1990 and 1992.

In 1984 Charlie was awarded a medal service certificate for his part in a service which resulted in a bronze medal for the coxswain, when the lifeboat landed a sick crew member from the Irish container ship Bell Rover in a strong south by westerly gale and heavy breaking seas with poor visibility.

He and two crew members took part in the Lord Mayor's Show last November (featured in the Winter 1993/4 issue).

Charlie works as a British Telecom manager..

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