Past and Present
25 years ago This issue of the journal will appear at the 1994 London Boat Show, exactly 25 years after the launching of what became the Institution's Membership Scheme: The Yachtsmen's Life-boat Supporters Association from THE LIFEBOAT of 1969 It has always been a comforting feeling for yachtsmen to know that if they are in trouble off the coasts of the United Kingdom or Ireland and can make a distress signal by visual means or R/T, a life-boat will come to their assistance whatever the weather conditions. In pre-war days there were few calls from yachts, partly because of the small number and partly because those that did make coastal passages were usually well found and manned by experienced sailors both experienced and amateur. Since the war the situation has changed owing to the fantastic increase in the number of yachts and all forms of boating for pleasure. Consequently the number of calls on the life-boat service have greatly increased, the holiday months of August and September being particularly hectic. Services to all forms of pleasure boating have increased threefold in the last ten years. Last year inshore rescue boats alone launched 1,177 times and saved 506 lives and no less than 61 per cent, of these services were to those who seek their pleasure on the sea.
Due to the great increase in the number of services the R.N.L.I is very fully extended, not only from the personal angle but financially because of the everincreasing cost of new boats, materials, wages and so on. Consequently the Institution is going through a period of financial strain. It needs more regu/orincome...
...the Committee of Management a year ago considered various means of raising more money as a matter of urgency. Amongst other ideas it was felt that an effort should be made to obtain more support from yachtsmen.
...It was decided to start a Yachtsmen's Life-boat Supporter's Association (short title - Y.L.A.) and this was launched by Sir Alec Rose on the second day of the Boat Show in January this year. Sir Alec became the first member and hoisted the Y.L.A. flag in Lively Lady.
The Yachtsmen's Life-Boat Supporters' Association exists for two purposes only. The principal one is to be a source of revenue for the Institution. The second is to be a vehicle for increasing interest in the life-boat service through The Lifeboat journal which will be sent free to every subscriber. The annual subscription has been fixed at £3...
The YLA later became known as Shoreline and was then extended beyond boat owners to become the Membership Scheme as we know it today..