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Membership News

1993 and all that! The London Boat Show at Earls Court this January marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Yachtsmen's Lifeboat Supporters Association - the organisation which evolved and expanded into the membership scheme as we know it today.

We have come a long way since Sir Alec Rose became the first member in January 1969 and start our 25th year with the RNLI's membership more buoyant than ever at 212,000.

The support and loyalty of the membership have been exceptional - as membership subscriptions are especially valuable in providing regular and reliable income. The RNLI must be able to plan ahead with confidence to meet the needs of today's and tomorrow's lifeboat crews as, for example, lifeboat building plans now stretch into the next century.

Last year the UK began slowly to emerge from recession and interest rates have been at their lowest for many years, severely affecting income from savings. Yet despite these exceptional circumstances, members have continued to support as generously as ever, contributing over £4m of vital funds.

In the middle of the year the RNLI received a real boost with the broadcast of an ITV documentary series focussing on the crew of the Salcombe lifeboat. A letter to members announced the series and gave details of the programme schedule. You were so inspired by this portrayal of an RNLI lifeboat crew that we received over £300,000 in donations as a result.

Another significant achievement last year relates to the more mundane subject of administration. A membership subscription is most valuable to the RNLI if paid by a direct debit and covenanted. More than 40% of members now pay by direct debit, greatly reducing our administration costs. Moreover, 30% have covenanted their subscriptions, enabling the RNLI to claim tax back from the Inland Revenue, worth an extra 33%.

Finally, on the subject of administration, we changed from brown paper envelopes to brighter and, importantly, more costeffective plastic envelopes for posting your copies of THE LIFEBOAT.

As well as giving the RNLI's journal a more up-to-date look they give greater protection in the post and, hopefully, the days of damp, soggy journals on members' doorsteps are gone for ever! Recruit a Friend You can help the lifeboat crews further by helping to spread the word. Simply complete and return the coupon below and we will send a sample copy of THE LIFEBOAT and a membership brochure to someone who is interested in the work of the RNLI.

I Please send a sample copy of THE LIFEBOAT and a membership , * faf4~tf*l-n im m/tili orM"» /totiV»« fi- rrm fi- r •fht/ t s*r rte*ir4s*rfitifl r s*if- ' New Insignia Range If you visit the Membership stand at the London Boat Show (6th to 16th January) you will be able to see the exciting new range of membership insignia.

The new-look items - in a bold blue-and-orange design to reflect the colours of the lifeboats - will be displayed alongside the traditional 'flag emblem' insignia.

There will also be a new membership gift pack, which would make a wonderful present for friends and family. It's a lovely idea to introduce someone you know to the RNLI, its lifeboat crews and their work.

brochure with application form for the consideration of: I Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Initials Surname I Address I I I Postcode From Please return this form to: Membership Services, RNLI, West l_ Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ .J Stormy Stan Stormy Stan to the rescue! In 1994 the RNLI is launching a campaign to raise awareness of the lifeboat service among the young, part of which is to double the membership of Storm Force to 30,000. Readers of THE LIFEBOAT helped give the cam- Mp paign a good start, with more . , than 700 new members as a result of the enrolment forms enclosed with the Autumn 1993 issue.

Storm Force members will be receiving new packs, containing many new items, when they renew after their introduction at the London Boat Show in January - the £3 subscription remains unchanged, representing excellent value! Storm Force News is already popular with members but the addition of a cheerful lifeboat character called 'Stormy Stan', promises to make it even more entertaining.

Competitions are regular features and recent prizes have included two places on the lifeboat in the Lord Mayor's Show, and a visit to the BBC's Blue Peter studios, both with an expenses-paid trip to London for the winners and their parents.

Lined up for 1994 is an all-expenses-paid trip to Euro Disney for two winners and their families, courtesy of Frizzell Fianancial Services and the CSMA who are keen to spread their support to attract more youngsters into the RNLI family.

At the London Boat Show in January there will be a chance to 'meet' Stormy Stan, add your "booty' to the Treasure Chest for the 'Blue Peter' appeal and watch the Blue Peter 3D video.

For an enrolment form or further details contact Heather Deane, Deputy Head of Public Relations, at RNLI Headquarters, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ..