Marine Print
HISTORICAL EVENTS IN TIME EXCLUSIVE OFFER TO ALL OUR READERS A series of seven artist signed and numbered tine art prints vith embossed stamp of approval and authenticity certificates.
LIMITED TO ONLY 200 IMPRESSIONS EACH bv Michael T. Whitchand THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER 11" X P" Tin- Anu'rii'dii l:l(/x still flit's (is the Royal tiry haiiilxirels l-'ort Mc/h'i/ry. llnlliniun: Si' /i'nibcr l-ith / S'/ /'. .1 i9.9S.
THE MAYFLOWER 2 V X 19" /iceiiitifnlly ckpicliiifi, the lciii(liiif of I he nif riin rallwrs in the . cu- orlcl. .i I9.9S THE BOSTON TEA PARTY 11 "• An I'xni.i I'lviil in lirilisb I'.S. bislor Please note-: All sc.-vi.-n prints are now very li in numbers due lo very popular early demand.
e ad ise you to order quickly to avoid disappointment. About _ 5 artist proofs ol each print are being released. Please state 'proof should you require any - add .110 to each print tor a 'proof.
HUMBF.R SHIPPING 34" X 26" A lar -i' Ix-autiliil prim, l.imiu-il lu 200 artiM M nccl 459.95 THE RESOLUTION 23" X 19" (.:ipt.iin Cixik.s ship 'Hit' WWii/ldi; prrp.iri".
Ic, v-j c Whilhy Yorkshire Ji.49.95 UNCHARTED SEAS 24" X 19" DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 34" X 26" Columlnis - Voya i" t Dixovcry l.imik-cl in 2IM) Mun«l A-i').9S I.ill M/I-.S with whin-border) Thf t i rM lixilfall uf Columlius on .short- of ihr Ni-w World 449.91) 1ii h.ifl James W hilt-hand A in.iriliiiR- .irli l ut growinx world ri-nowri i-xhihils .is .ihcld .is Hu- I s .iml I .m.til.i .IN wt-H as tht- 1 K Kt-ii-nlK his SI IK-I| .mil iHiinlK-rcil prints luvc n» n in .ilui- In Jo- " or niori.- pt-r Mis Kill lor painting llu- si-.i and ships pl.m-s Iu 11.if I l.uncs S h i l f l i a n i l as i UK- ol iht- liiu-si li 111 ; pamu-rs ol scastajtt-s ol our linit-.
Remember, these beautiful line art prints by Michael J. Whitehand are limited to only 200 impressions individually artist signed and numbered.
Each print is supplied with an authenticity certificate guaranteeing each limited edition.
These exclusive prints are not available in shops, stores or galleries and as always our prices are much less than similar prints with the same limited number.
Note: An ideal special and unique presentation gift for office, birthday or special occasions.
Marine Print, "LUmwold" si a lion Road, Carton I r if field. Yorks YO25 OEX. Tel: 0377 241074 ORDER FORM To: MARINE PRINT OFFER, "LUMWOLD", STATION ROAD, CARTON, (tick boxes) I RIFHI-U , YORKS Y025 OEX TEL 0377 241074 n The Star Spangled Banner X49.95 n The Boston Tea Party .t-i9.95 D The Mayflower JM9.9S n Humber Shipping XS9.9T D The Resolution £49.95 D Uncharted Seas £49.95 G Discovery- of America £49-95 n The l-'ull Set .1250.00 (Save £109.65) Allow 14 days for delivery 5. Overseas £7.
i. No . tor .i i-ntloMAl ACCC96 orVBANo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Signature Kxpiry Dutc.