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MAKE THE MOST OF THE LONDON BOAT SHOW 6-16 January 1994 The RNLI and Hilton hotels have joined forces to offer you a great way to enjoy the London Boat Show. If you are thinking of attending the Boat Show, or just fancy an enjoyable night or two in London, then this could be for you.

A Complete Offer This hotel package includes one night's accommodation in a Twin or Double room with continental breakfast. Also included are admission ticket for the Boat Show exhibition at Earl's Court and official catalogue.

Booking Details To book your berth please call Heidi Ross on (0923) 238877 quoting your credit card number and expiry date. A £15 per person deposit is required. If you prefer, complete the booking form and send to: Heidi Ross, Central Reservations, Hilton hotels, POBox 137, Watford, Herts, WD1 1DN.

Luxury at The Langham Hilton.

A bedroom that doesn't rock in a gale! HILTON Hotels (Ticket & catalogue) London Kensington Hilton London Regents Park Hilton The London Hilton on Park Lane The Langham Hilton Hilton National London Olympia Twin £43 £40 £78 £78 £40 Single £55 £52 £133 £133 £52 Forget cramped quarters, dine in comfort.

Associate Hotels (Ticket & catalogue) Plaza on Hyde Park The Clive Hotel Sherlock Holmes Hotel Twin £39 £34 £41 Single £51 £46 £53 Name BOOKING FORM London Boat Show, 6-16 January 1994 Address Post Code Daytime Tel. No.

Accommodation Required: Twin FJ Double [J Single (J No in party Please indicate your choice of hotel and how many nights (with dates) you wish to stay.

Choice of hotel London Kensington Hilton London Regents Park Hilton The London Hilton on Park Lane The Langham Hilton Hilton National London Olympia Dates required No. of nights Choice of hotel Plaza on Hyde Park The Clive Hotel Sherlock Holmes Hotel Dates required No. of nights Send to: Heidi Ross, Central Reservations, Hilton hotels, PO Box 137. Watford. Herts, WD1 1DN or telephone (0923) 238877..