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A Sailing Club Rescue Boat

Rescuers rescued Dun Laoghaire's D class inflatable was involved in a service at the very limits for the class of lifeboat when she went to the aid of a capsized safety boat on 26 May 1993.

The inflatable had been on exercise inside Dun Laoghaire harbour when it was learned that the 17ft sailing club rescue boat had capsized and was in breaking surf with three people aboard.

With the all-weather lifeboat following to provide back-up the ILB made for the scene and found the casualty off a dangerous lee shore in a SE Force 4 to 5 with a swell some 10ft high breaking heavily on the breakwater.

Entering the surf the D class was able to take off the three men clinging to the upturned hull and transfer them to the all-weather lifeboat - which was lying off in deeper water. The Waveney then escorted the inflatable back to the shelter of the harbour..