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With deep regret we record the following deaths: FEBRUARY 1993 Mrs Betty Foster, chairman of Driffield ladies' guild since 1983. She served as secretary for 16 years from 1967 and was awarded a Gold badge in 1991.

MARCH 1993 Mrs Cynthia Hall, president of Goodwin Sands and Downs ladies' guild and a founder member of the guild in 1952. Mrs Hall was awarded a Silver badge in 1974.

Mrs Joan Gibson, vice president of Llandudno ladies' guild since 1980. She first joined the committee in 1933 and was vice chairman from 1976-1980. Mrs Gibson was awarded a Silver badge in 1988.

APRIL 1993 Mrs H.W. Judge, souvenir secretary of Wakefield ladies' guild from 1991. She also served as assistant secretary from 1952 to 1955, secretary from 1955 to 1969 and was secretary/treasurer from 1977 to 1991.

Captain Richard Duke, honorary secretary of Saffron Walden branch for many years.

Mrs Violet Roast, chairman of Sharbrook ladies' guild for over 25 years.

Miss Leonora Powell, founder member and chairman of Bourne End branch from 1969 until her election as president in 1982, a post she held until 1989. She was awarded a Silver badge in 1982.

Peter Bath who, with his predeceased wife Jean, were the donors of the relief Mersey class lifeboat Margaret Jean.

MAY 1993 Mrs Primrose Reidford, founder member of Ha warden branch in 1952. She held the office of president from 1980 to 1992 and was awarded a Silver badge in 1966, a gold badge in 1983 and a bar to the gold badge in 1992. (Mrs Reidf ord had also served on the committee of Connah's Quay branch in 1933 and was its honorary secretary from 1937 to 1939.) Miss Agnes Hilhouse, for many years treasurer of the West Drayton and Uxbridge branch with which she had been associated for 25 years.

We regret that only lifeboat coxswains and branch and guild officials with more than 10 years service can be accepted for inclusion in obituaries column of The Lifeboat.

Details of the death of branch and guild members should be passed to the appropriate regional office, which will then forward the information to the editor..