Membership News
Introduce a friend With this issue of THE LIFEBOAT is a leaflet entitled 'Introduce a friend'.
We hope you will pass this leaflet on to a friend, neighbour or perhaps relative, who may interested in supporting the RNLI as a member.
Existing members are the best advocates of Shoreline and Governor membership, and we hope you will use this leaflet to spread the word. 'Word of mouth' is also a very cost- effective method of advertising, so your help in promoting support of the RNLI through this leaflet is greatly appreciated! Salcombe lifeboat TV series The recent ITV series featuring the Salcombe Lifeboat has been extremely well received. The six episodes attracted large audiences, ranging between 8.5 million and 10 million viewers.
Before the series started at the end of April, a letter was sent to nearly all RNLI members announcing this major event. A programme schedule was included, along with a donation form with the opportunity to receive a souvenir colour print of the Salcombe Lifeboat crew. The schedule was, almost inevitably, disrupted (by a football match) but at the time of going to press all six episodes should have been screened by 7 June.
As a result of this mailing, donations totalling more than £250,000 have been received and many souvenir prints despatched. This is an absolutely tremendous boost for the RNLI. Please accept our thanks on behalf of all lifeboat crews if you made a contribution.
Souvenir colour print If you missed the opportunity to receive one of these souvenir prints from the television series, don't despair! Copies are still available (measuring approximately 11 in by Sin, in full colour, showing Coxswain Frank Smith with crew members in front of the Salcombe relief Lifeboat). Simply send a minimum donation of £10 to: Salcombe Lifeboat Souvenir Print, Supporter Services, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ, or complete and return the coupon at the foot of the page.
Please make your payment payable to RNLI and state clearly how many copies of the print you would like. You may request as many copies as you wish, though we do ask for a minimum donation of £10 for each. Remember to order your prints quickly as we will fulfil orders on a first-come, first-served basis.
Series video We have received numerous enquiries as to whether or not a video of the series will become available.
The latest information, as this issue of the journal goesto press, is that a compilation of at least the first three episodes will be made available soon.
For more up to date information and for enquiries about how to obtain a video of the series, please write to the Customer Services Dept, RNLI Sales, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.
Membership cards As you will be aware we have recently taken a hard look at how we can provide a better service to RNLI members and supporters, and also how we can continue to use our funds as wisely as possible. The recent introduction of plastic envelopes for posting THE LIFEBOAT is a good example.
A number of members have written expressing differing opinions on the membership cards provided to all Shoreline and Governor members. In view of this, it would be most interesting to have further views on this matter to help us decide if a change is desirable, or if members are happy with current arrangements.
For example, is the current membership card, provided each year on renewal of your subscription, adequate? Or would you have preferred to receive a more substantial card on joining, without subsequent yearly replacements? Do you think the membership card is important at all? SOUVENIR PRINT OFFER Please send me copy/ies of the Salcombe lifeboat crew souvenir print.
I enclose £ (minimum donation of £10 per print please) Name ...
Address Postcode Membership No. (if applicable) Send to: Salcombe Lifeboat Souvenir Print Supporter Services RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH151 HZ Code: SAM1/JTV .J.