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Marine Print

• LIMITED EDITIONS OF ONLY 850 FINE ART P KACII INDIVIDUALLY SI(iNKI) AND NL'MBKRKD BY WORLD RENOWNED ARTIST Michael J. Whitehand MS I I M s l ( . l o i n PREPARINGFOR PRAFALGAR 146.95 I In- flagship l the British Navy with Nelson aboard, prepares to make a scucli e early morning departure to join (he rest of ihe Heel al I i.dalgar.

Glorious as is viuorv. il will he saddened In the dealli ol I ord Nelson.

I I I 01 PRAFALGAR 1146.95 rendition depicting I IMS Victory amidst this victorious epic lich Admiral Nelson was mortally wounded. A bitter sweet will change llie course of British and world Naval 1 listoiv.

Depicting I hs Majesty s M hi Brittania racing with Velsheda .out I ndeavour in die I'HOV Kiin.MM.i was one of the most well known Wills.

She was huilt in I H.W and owned In King l.dward VII.

Alier his death she was raced with a modern KcTininli.ui rig In King (ieorgc .

Vclshcda, built in I'W and earning ",( ()() si| li of sail.

would raee in all weathers and along wuh Endeavour II, she was dismasted at Plymouth during a weekend of gales.

Michael James Whitehand a Maiitime a r t i s t ol growing world lenown exhibits as far afield as the I S. and C as well as the I '.K.

Recently Ins I mined Kdition prints ha e grown ill value by 20" per year.

I lis gill lor painting the sea and ships plaees Michael lames liiiehand as one of the finest living painters ol seascapes of our lime.

Note: The prim images in this advertisement cannot rcprc-sciH I he true colour c l a r i ty and quality of the actual print.

THE BIG 'J' YACHTS OFF THE NEEDLES £46.95 Marine Print invite Lifeboat readers to purchase one or more A 30-day money back full satisfaction guarantee will be of these superb renditions depicting contrasting, historical events through two centuries of British Seamanship. Printed on 2(K) gsm Highland Antique board and reproduced from three original paintings by leading marine artist M.J. Whitehcacl. these authentic prints represent outstanding investment value to collectors and enthusiasts and those who simply love the sea and ships, liach print will be supplied with an authenticity certificate with witness and artist signature.

honoured if not completely delighted with these beautiful impressions. Michael J. White-hand limited edition prints rapidly increase in value and a high demand is anticipated. We therefore recommend that potential customers apply without delay to avoid disappointment. Si/.e of prints: each 25 A 1734". (with whiteborder.) Note; These prints cannot be purchased in shops stores or retail outlets. Please allow 7-10 days delivery.

Order Form to; Marine Print, 'Llimwold', Station Road, Carton, Driffield, E. Yorks. YO25 OEX TEL: 0377 241074 Tick Box tor phnts required DTHE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR £46.95 D VICTORY PREPARES FOR TRAFALGAR £46.95 DTHE BIG 'J's OFF THE NEEDLES £46.95 D ALL THREE PRINTS £100 PLEASE ADD £3 P&P OVERSEAS £7 P&P Please debit my Access/Visa/Master Card.

To the value ol £ Name on card POSTCODE.

or I enclose a cheque/Postal Order to the value of £ Made payable to Marine Print (with your name and address on reverse).