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With deep regret we record the following deaths: NOVEMBER 1992 Captain J.F. Kersley, station honorary secretary of Queensferry lifeboat from 1967 to 1992. He was awarded a Gold badge in 1988.

Mrs Edith Townend, founder member of the reformed Bridlington ladies' guild in 1946, she held continuous office and was vice president when she died. Mrs Townend was awarded a Silver badge in 1957, a Gold badge in 1968 and a bar to the Gold badge in 1984.

DECEMBER 1992 Mrs 'Freddie' Downing, a long standing member of the Central London Committee and treasurer for the past 11 years.

John Edmunds, coxswain of Hastings lifeboat from 1961 to 1971. He joined the crew in the 1940's and served as bowman from 1960 until his appointment as coxswain.

Mrs Irene Watson, chairman of Hedon ladies' guild. She was founder secretary in 1966 and was awarded a Silver badge in 1980 and a Gold badge in 1989.

JANUARY 1993 Edgar Moore, coxswain of Newhaven lifeboat from 1962 to 1977. He joined the crew in 1945, was bowman from 1946 to 1954 and then served as second coxswain until his appointment as coxswain in 1962.

Gerald 'Farmer/ Edwards, coxswain of Angle lifeboat from 1981 to 1993. He had joined the crew in 1961 and was awarded a long service badge in 1986.

R.J. Suckling, vice chairman of Bognor Regis branch. He joined the committee in 1967 and received the Institution's statuette in 1990.

FEBRUARY 1993 David Foreman, station honorary secretary for Whitstable lifeboat from 1986 to 1993.

James Fitzgerald, coxswain of Baltimore lifeboat from 1965 to 1972. After joining the crew in 1940 he served as bowman from 1953 to 1960, and as second coxswain from 1960 to 1965 until his appointment as cox- We regret that only lifeboat coxswains and branch and guild officials with a minimum of 10 years service can be accepted for inclusion in the Obituaries column in THE LIFEBOAT.

Details of the death of branch and guild members should be passed to the appropriate regional office, which will then forward the information to the editor..