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Freja Svea

Shortly before this issue went to press Hartlepool's Waveney Class lifeboat The Scout capsized twice while on service to the 97,000 ton tanker Freja Svea which was dragging her anchor and eventually went aground in Severe Gale Force onshore winds on 28 February 1993.

The lifeboat was launched to escort Teesmouth's Tyne back to station - which had been knocked down and lost the use of one engine - and to take over standby duty. She was capsized by steep breaking seas while standing by the tanker in about 16m of water.

Contrary to some press reports at the time she righted herself in a matter of seconds on both occasions, al- Hartlepool's Waveney class lifeboat The Scout- self righted after two capsizes.

though suffering some damage - particularly to communications and navigational equipment.

One crew member was washed overboard and spent 35 minutes in the water before being recovered by an RAF helicopter. All the crew are safe although some suffered minor injuries.

Full details in the next issue..