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A new Atlantic 21 class lifeboat which will serve in the relief fleet, was named and dedicated at the Institution's Inshore Lifeboat Centre, East Cowes on 25 November 1992.

The cost of the lifeboat had been met from a donation by Lady Payne of Harrogate in memory of her father, Ernest Armstrong.

Lady Payne is a founder member of the Harrogate ladies' guild and is currently vice president. Her father, after whom the lifeboat is named was a vice president of the RNLI and a member of its committee of management from 1929 until his death in 1952. He served on various committees and was closely involved with the lifeboat station at Eastbourne, the town to which he retired in 1921.

Alan Tate, superintendent of the inshore lifeboat centre, opened proceedings by welcoming guests. Lady Payne handed the lifeboat over to Anthony Oliver, deputy head of fundraising and marketing, who accepted it for use in the relief fleet. A short service of dedication then followed, conducted by the Reverend Stuart Cleaver, priest-in-charge, Whippingham and East Cowes. At the close of the service Lady Payne named the lifeboat Ernest Armstrong.Fleetwood-o class City of Chester Wintry weather did not deter guests arriving at Fleetwood for the handing over ceremony and service of dedication for the station's new D class inflatable lifeboat City of Chester on 5 December 1992.

Mr Frank Hardman, chairman of Fleetwood station branch, welcomed everyone who was present, particularly the members of Chester branch who had worked so hard to raise the funds to provide the boat.

Mr Terry Byrne, chairman of Chester branch handed over the lifeboat to Donald Redford CBE, DL, vice president of the RNLI who accepted it on behalf of the Institution. The station honorary secretary, Captain Peter Woodworth then accepted the lifeboat into the safekeeping of the station.

The service of dedication which followed was conducted by Canon A.

Cochrane, assisted by Reverend J. Cope and Reverend I. Sumner.

The ceremony was concluded with the presentation of a commemorative plaque by John Butter, formerly High Sheriff of Chester and Patron of the City of Chester lifeboat appeal, to Fleetwood lifeboat station.Relief Fleet- D class Jill Gatti and Y boat A D class inflatable lifeboat, funded by Better Bridge in Britain, and an inflatable Y boat funded by Sunsail were dedicated together at the Institution's Poole depot on 19 November 1992.

The D class which has been funded through the Charity Challenge Cup organised by Better Bridge in Britain was named by, and after, Jill Gatti who had founded the charity challenge in 1958.

After her retirement in 1989 Better Bridge in Britain took over the organisation of the cup and has continued to support national charities.

Sunsail, based in Portsmouth, offers worldwide sailing holidays and the Y boat has been funded from donations received from holidaymakers with Sunsail, in particular those who put their vessels aground! (Y boats are carried on Arun and Severn class lifeboats and are launched from the parent vessel to reach a casualty close to rocks and shallow waters).

Miss Vanessa Lowe, marketing executive of Sunsail and Mrs Christine Duckworth, executive director of Better Bridge in Britain handed over the lifeboats to Anthony Oliver, deputy head of fundraising and marketing and the service of dedication was conducted by the Reverend Stanley Holbrooke-Jones, Rector of Poole. At the close of the service Mrs Gatti named the D class /;' Gatti..