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Royal National Lifeboat Institution Contents Volume 52 Number 522 Chairman: MICHAEL VERNON Director and Secretary: LT CDR BRIAN MILES RD FNI RNR Editor: MIKE FLOYD Assistant Editor: GILL MACE Editorial Assistant: MARY GYOPARI Advertisement Manager: BARBARA TROUSDELL Classified Advertisements: MARION BARDSLEY Headquarters: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

Telephone Poole (0202) 671133 Telex 41328.

Registered Charity No. 209603 RNLI News What's happening in and around the Institution Lifeboat Services Notable launches around the coast Past and Present From THE LIFEBOAT of 1918 and one of today's lifeboatmen From the Director Lt Cdr Brian Miles looks back on 1992 and forward to 1993 Membership News Plastic envelopes and a new way to advertise Lifeboat Services around the World Edward Wake-Walker looks at the way other services are funded Ceremonies New all-weather and inshore lifeboats named and dedicated Your Letters Your views on all aspects of lifeboats and related subjects Bookshelf Books of RNLI and maritime interest reviewed Around the Fundraising Regions A list of branches and guilds from the South West and North East regions Lifeboat Services Services for June and July 1992 The Fundraisers Fundraising events across the British Isles People and Places Around and about the RNLI 290 293 297 298 299 3OO 302 3O9 311 312 314 317 322.