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The Replica 12th Century Long Boat Aileach

Longboat's steering fails 40 miles north of Cape WrathSome of the latest technology came to the aid of some of the earliest when Stromness lifeboat station's relief Arun class Newsbuoy was launched to the aid of a replica 12th century longboat on passage from Stornoway to Faroe.

The vessel, Aileach, had experienced steering failure some 40 miles north of Cape Wrath - the north-easternmost tip of the mainland-in a northwesterly Force 6 to 7 and although her crew were able to make temporary repairs the jury-rigged steering later failed and assistance was called for.

Newsbuoy launched at 0850 on 17 June and reached the casualty at 1351 after a passage of almost 70 miles.

The nine men aboard the open vessel were transferred to the lifeboat using the Y inflatable in a wind which was now Force 6 to 7 and with a very large swell running - a very long way from anywhere to be in an inflatable! After about 15 minutes Aileach was taken in tow for the long trip back to Stromness. At 1800 the tow parted, but was re-established again by crew member Douglas Adam, who jumped aboard as the lifeboat was brought alongside. Douglas had previously been the helmsman of the Y boat during the crew transfer.

It was 2055 by the time the Arun reached Stromness with the longboat and her crew having been at sea for just over 11 hours..