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With deep regret we record the following deaths: JUNE 1990 Mrs Dorothy Rowson, founder secretary of Wainfleet and District ladies guild from 1962 to 1970 when she held the office of treasurer/secretary until she was elected as president in 1989. Mrs Rowson was awarded a Silver badge in 1980.

DECEMBER 1991 Mrs Joan Jenkins, honorary secretary of Truro branch since 1972. Mrs Jenkins joined the committee in 1971 and from 1972 until her death served as joint honorary secretary with her husband. She was also souvenir secretary and was awarded a Silver badge in 1987.

APRIL 1992 Mrs Pam Hill, chairman of Bristol ladies guild from 1976 to 1982 when she was elected vice president. She was awarded a Silver badge in 1985.

Leslie Aplin, treasurer of Exeter branch from 1950- 1963, then treasurer of Exmouth and Budleigh Salterton branch til 1978. He was then elected president and continued as treasurer and organiser of the Exmouth Display Centre until ill-health forced him to retire in 1988. Mr Aplin was awarded a Gold badge in 1973 and was elected an honorary life governor of the Institution in 1986.

Miss Phylis Archibald, president of Ulverston branch. She had served as chairman from 1951 until her election as president in 1991 and was awarded a Silver badge in 1968 and a Gold badge in 1985.

MAY 1992 Mrs D. Knowles-Franks, whose generosity helped to fund the Harwich lifeboat John Fison and the Tenby lifeboat RFA Sir Gnlahad.

JUNE 1992 Mrs Peggy Woolley, secretary of Bude ladies guild from 1975 until her death. She was awarded a Silver badge in 1988.

Mrs D.E. Fison, who generously helped to defray the cost of the Harwich lifeboat John Fison.

Mrs Lillian Sambrook, chairman of Ashley and Loggerheads ladies guild since 1985, holding the office of secretary from 1977 to 1979.

JULY 1992 John Kennedy, station honorary secretary of Lytham St Annes lifeboat from 1951 to 1976. He was awarded a Gold badge in 1975.

Mrs Violet Anderson, founder member of Fishponds branch in 1957 and committee member since 1969. She was awarded a joint statuette with her husband in 1980 and a Silver badge in 1987.

William Stewart, station honorary secretary of Wick lifeboat from 1980 to 1990. He was awarded a Silver badge in 1990.

George Leith, coxswain of Lerwick lifeboat from 1969 to 1979. He joined the crew in 1949 and served as bowman from 1954 until his appointment as coxswain in 1969. He was awarded a Silver medal in 1972.

Please Note Regrettably, only coxswains and branch and guild officials with a minimum of 10 years service can now be accepted for inclusion in the Obituaries column of THE LIFEBOAT.

Unfortunately, the decision is necessary because of increasing pressures on space, and we regret that it will therefore no longer be possible to make exceptions to the above policy.

Details of the death of branch and guild members should be passed to the appropriate regional office, which will forward the information to the Editor..