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Your Letters

Let's campaign to improve safety at sea! As an RNLI member, I was interested to read the Director's message in the Winter issue of THE LIFEBOAT and the Newspoint on page 147 suggesting that the RNLI is at last looking at ways to reduce emergencies as well as enhancing its excellent rescue services.

I have long felt that the RNLI could save itself money and risks to lifeboat crews with comparatively low cost by campaigning to improve safety at sea. It is appalling that many of the pleasure craft to which the RNLI is called have merely 'run out of fuel', even though they have sails. Many launches of the inshore fleet could likewise be saved if people were less stupid about lilos and so on in offshore winds. Posters, leaflets and newspaper coverage at peak holiday times could all help.

I am sure that safety at sea could be improved if, for example, the RNLI added its respected voice to those who campaigned against the reduction in navigational aids three years ago. We are developing a generation of pleasure boat users who depend entirely on electronic aids to navigation. The RNLI could, I am sure, help the RYA with its schemes for voluntary training in basic seamanship.

I am pleased the RNLI seems to be moving in this direction and urge you to do so with all possible speed.

Charles Nodder Sixpenny Handley, Salisbury, Wilts Editor's Note: A more detailed examination of the statistics referred to by Mr Nodder appears in this issue on page 245. The RNLI will always be seeking ways of reducing the number of lives lost at sea.Christmas charity This year, myself and many other members of my section at work got to discussing the waste involved in sending so many Christmas cards.

I work as an accountant in a finance department in Walsall. We have always sent everyone else a card within our section which now numbers about 50 people - that's a lot of cards just to be thrown away after Christmas.

As a member of Shoreline, I decided to take the initiative this year. I sent a large 'lifeboat' Christmas card round, encouraging everyone to sign as a communal greeting and donate money that they would otherwise have spent on cards to charity, whether to the RNLI via myself or to another charity of their own choosing.

I'm pleased to say that more people signed the card than ignored it.

Perhaps this will encourage others to do the same next year.

Susan Davis Walsall West Midlands On the Letters Page of the Spring issue, under the letter Tomorrow's Crew', it was incorrectly stated that Terry Satchell and Rosemary Edwards are crew members of Rye Harbour lifeboat.

In fact, they are not enrolled members of the crew.Reading reunion Did you serve on the Reading and District branch committee from 1971 onwards? If so, I would like to hear from you.

The Reading branch celebrates its 21 st birthday in December 1992 and we would like to organise a celebration dinner or dinner dance. This will be a happy occasion where old friends and past members will be able to meet up again. Please contact me at the address below if you are interested.

Colin Thorne Honorary Secretary RNLI Reading branch 89 -Fairwater Drive Woodley, Reading Berks RG5 3JQ Tales for posterity I am producing a collection of post-World War II naval anecdotes, with the aim of providing a montage of what the Royal Navy does and how it does it, told by people through their personal experiences.

A further objective is to raise money for the King George's Fund for Sailors through sales proceeds.

I now seek the raw material and am keen for the RNLI - a long, close associate of the RN - to be given the chance to support this project.

I am looking for one or two rattling good true yarns which involve both the RN and the RNLI.

They could be sombre or funny but wit and humour would be appreciated.

Theyshould be people- oriented whilst avoiding the pitfalls of libel! The final output should provide a fascinating insight into the maritime community and help those of us in need.

Would contributors from every corner of the RNLI please send me their stories, either complete in 500 words or in note form.

All will be acknowledged.

I would be grateful if contributors could assign copyright to the book's editor to support its charitable nature. I would also appreciate contributors stating whether they would wish their names to appear in print or to be identified as that famous writer'Anon'. Please send your stories by no later than 30 September 1992.

P. McLaren Captain, Royal Navy Retd The Blue House, East Marden, Chichester, W. Sussex PO18 9JE.