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ADVERTISEMENT Volvo and the RNLIHistpry in the Making "The basis for everything we do at Volvo is, and must remain, safety and care"- Gustaf Larson, Swedish engineer and co-founder of tolvo, 1927.

This principle has remained with Volvo ever since and therefore it is not surprising that blvo should choose to lend its support to a charity like the RNLI, an organisation committed to preserving the safety of those at sea.

The fund-raising association between Vblvo and the RNLI first began in 1987, when the Together We Care' campaign was launched. The original aim was to raise £250,000 towards a new offshore lifeboat over a two year period.

The campaign proved to be so successful, however, that the target was exceeded in less than a year and consequently two new offshore lifeboats were commissioned.

The first lifeboat was named 'RNLB Voluntary Worker1, in honour of all the hard-working. RNU volunteers who helped to raise the money by selling raffle tickets. The Tyne Class'RNLB Voluntary Yorker* entered service in the relief fleet in September 1988.

Suggestions for naming the second lifeboat were invited from the Volvo Dealer Network. The name 'RNLB Lifetime Care' was chosen, reflecting Vblvo's customer care programme of the same name embodying the concern of both Volvo and the RNLI to save lives, whether at sea or on the road.

The Mersey Class T?NLB Lifetime Care' went into service in October 1989.

A The Tyne Class 'RNLB Voluntary Worker' commissioned in 1988. 'RNLB Lifetime Care' a Mersey Class went into service in 1989 V Volvo and the RNU decided to continue their partnership and announced a new £1 million campaign titled 'Building Together', to raise funds for a vital modernisation programme for Britain's lifeboat stations.

In addition to providing the promotional material and a full-time coordinator to assist with the day-to-day running of the campaigns, Vblvo has also supported other projects such as the Grace Darling Exhibition in 1988 and the RNLTs National Lotteries. Since 1987 Vblvo has supplied a total of 41 cars as lottery prizes, the latest prize model being the 440 1.6 Li - a versatile hatchback with comfortable interior, sleek styling and of course the The 440 1 6Li is the latest lottery prize supplied by Volvo.

traditionally high standards of safety one would expect from a Vblvo.

Throughout the country, volunteers from many branches and guilds have worked closely with their local Vblvo dealers, organising prize car displays to boost the sales of raffle tickets. Many dealers have helped with fund-raising events, providing volunteers with entrance tickets or space for an RNLI stall on the Volvo stand at local and county shows.

Goodwill and understanding have helped both parties work together for mutual benefit and undoubtedly this has ensured the success of all the campaigns undertaken so far.

Perhaps this is because Vblvo and the RNLI are inherently well suited to each other. The traditional Volvo virtues of safety, reliability and durability could be equally well applied to the lifeboats and services provided by the RNLI.

Volvo's commitment to its customers, its sense of social responsibility which places it in the forefront of research to make safer, cleaner cars, might also be compared to the RNLI's commitment to continuing research and improved lifesaving services.

Needless to say, Vblvo and the RNLI are keen to continue their successful partnership and plans (or the next fundraising campaign will be announced shortly.

Many thanks to all those who helped with these campaigns..