Volunteer action awards TJie Whitbread Volunteer Action Awards are recognised as one of the UK's most prestigious community award schemes.
Fundraising and operational volunteers with the RNLI are eligible for the awards.
They range from £2,000 for the Volunteer of the Year, to £1,000 for each of nine regional awards, one Young Volunteer (under 24) and one Young Volunteering Group.
Judges will be looking at the amount of time given, at the complexity of tasks involved and at the individual circumstances of the volunteer.
Entries must be received by 30 September 1992 and nomination forms are available from the Public Relations Department, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.Portrait of Coxswain Richard Evans unveiled for first time Coxswain Richard Evans BEM of Moelf re is the subject of an RNLI-commissioned portrait which is to hang in a meeting room at Poole Headquarters.
The artist of the remarkable portrait (shown right) is Jeff Stultiens.
Dick Evans is the only lifeboatman alive to hold two RNLI Gold Medals for gallantry. He joined the Moelfre crew in 1921 at the age of 16, became bowman, second coxswain and then coxswain, and retired in 1970 after 49 years service.
His first Gold Medal was won for the rescue of 8 men from the motor vessel Hindlea on 27 October 1959.
His second was for the rescue of ten men from the Greek motor vessel Nafsiporos in winds up to 127mph in December 1966.
Among his many other awards, he also won the Bronze Medal in 1943.
Jeff Stultiens began his research for the painting in June 1991, | when Dick was 86. It is based on studies from life, conversations with Dick himself and from visits to Moelfre lifeboat station.
Coxswain Evans is depicted as he was in 1969, just before his retirement and shortly after his second Gold Medal-winning service.
Mr Stultiens remarked, 'The painting was a complex task. Time has inevitably changed Dick's features but the painting is faithful, I believe, to his appearance and physical stature then and to the underlying spirit which has guided his life.' The portrait was shown for the first time at the Mall Galleries on 19 May 1992.Heroes All Although there are no formal book reviews in this issue of THE LIFEBOAT, we would mention a recent publication entitled 'Heroes All'. Author Alec Beilby has toured the coasts preparing his exhaustive look at the lifeboat service and has compiled a combined history and current picture of the RNLI which should interest most readers.
'Heroes All' is published by Patrick Stephens Ltd (Haynes Publishing Group) at £14.99, of which 50p goes to the RNLI.
A fuller review of this book will appear in a future issue of THE LIFEBOAT.
And finally...
Do you buy your petrol at a BP petrol station? If you do - and you have been collecting your BP Option vouchers (one for every £5 spent) - would you consider donating them to the RNLI? BP Oil UK Ltd is currently offering special gifts to charities as part of a forecourt promotion.
For 7,500 vouchers, the RNLI can claim a 'Resusci Anne torso' - which creu's can use for resuscitation training purposes.
Please help the Institution claim its first Resusci Anne torso as soon as possible by sending your unwanted vouchers to Gill Cull, Central Fundraising Department, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.
Thank you for your help!.