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With deep regret we record the following deaths: DECEMBER 1991 Miss G. MacDonald, founder of the Peebles branch in 1949. She was branch vice president from 1970 until a few weeks before her death when she became branch honorary life president. She was a warded a Gold badge in 1980.

JANUARY 1992 James Macgill, chairman and deputy launching authority of the Arran (Lamlash) lifeboat station. Mr Macgill was chairman of the branch from 1976 and deputy launching authority from 1974 until his death. He was presented with a statuette in 1986.

Mrs Myrtle Atterton, membership secretary and founder member of Broadstone branch since 1980. She received a Silver badge in 1990 and was the wife of John Atterton, former RNLI deputy Director.

FEBRUARY 1992 Gerald Fitzgibbon, chairman of Howth station branch from 1958 to 1979. Having joined the committee in 1945 he was elected honorary secretary of the station in 1946 and served in this capacity until his appointment as chairman. He was presented with binoculars in 1958.

Please Note Regretfully, only coxswains and branch and guild officials with a minimum of 10 years service can now be accepted for inclusion in the Obituaries column of THE LIFEBOAT.

Unfortunately, the decision is necessary because of increasing pressures on space, and we regret that it will therefore no longer be possible to make exceptions to the above policy.

Details of the death of branch and guild members should be passed to the appropriate regional office, which will forward the information to the Editor..