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Janet C

Tyne class holds coaster from rocks The Bronze Medal has been awarded to the Salcombe coxswain/ mechanic Frank Smith for a service to the coaster Janet C, which prevented the vessel running aground in rough seas and a near gale in the early hours of 8 January 1992. At one stage, the casualty was within half-a-mile of running aground.At 0120 on Wednesday 8 January 1992, Brixham coastguard requested Salcombe lifeboat deputy launching authority to stand by as the 1,200-ton coaster Janet C, carrying 1,300 tons of cargo, was disabled just over two miles SE of Start Point with total power failure. Attempts were being made to contact a tug, but without success.

Fifteen minutes later it was decided to launch the lifeboat. Officially off-duty, having arranged to visit the London Boat Show, the coxswain/ mechanic Frank Smith took the helm while staff coxswain John Marjoram, there to deputise in Smith's absence, was officially in command.

Also on board were a film cameraman and sound recordist already commissioned to make a programme about the station for Central TV.

Full speed At 0148, Salcombe's Tyne class lifeboat Baltic Exchange II slipped her moorings and proceeded at full speed.

Visibility was good, the weather was cloudy with squally showers, the wind was gusting Force 5-6 and there was a choppy sea with a 3ft swell.The lifeboat arrived on scene at 0230 to find the coaster drifting relentlessly towards Start Point. The sea was rough, with the wind SSW 7, gusting 8-9.

After several attempts to transfer a line between the coaster and lifeboat, the tow was connected. Meanwhile, Smith had placed the lifeboat under the coaster's bow and maintained station by use of helm and throttles.

By 0246, the Janet C was now only five cables (half a nautical mile) off Start Point and the rate of drift was increasing. Coxswain Smith knew that, with Blackstone Rock and Cherrick Rock only two-and-a-half cables off Start Point, the holding action of the 24-ton Tyne would be vital in preventing the coaster running onto the rocks.

At 0315, the fishing vessel Harm Johannes arrived and prepared to passanother line. Thirty minutes after the lifeboat had established the tow, Janet C had been pulled away to 9 cables from Start Point. At 0345 the trawler tried to fire another line to the coaster but, failing, pulled away.

The tow was continued while waiting for the tug, estimated to arrive at 0505. At 0440, with the Janet C now one-and-a-half miles off Start Point, the line parted. The crew quickly hauled in the rope and reconnected the tow, all within 15 minutes.

At 0520, the tug Anglican Lady arrived to take over the tow, and Salcombe lifeboat stood by until the tow was well secured, leaving the area at 0603 and arriving back on station at 0730.

For their part in the service, staff coxswain John Marjoram has been sent a Letter of Thanks from the RNLI Chairman; the deputy second coxswain Raymond Rowe, the assistant mechanic Roger Evans and crew members David Penwill, Jonathan Clift, Brian Carter and Colin Power received Medal service certificates..