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Workboat International

E - U - R - O - P - E - S L - A - R - G - E - S - T The European Workboat Show has expanded rapidly and successfully with last year's visitors voting the show a huge success.

Well over 5000 trade visitors, from over 40 countries worldwide, attend the show to view the 200 plus exhibitors and on-water display of 100 craft. Many of the world's leading manufacturers of small commercial, military and fishing craft are represented together with the vast range ot equipment, components and services LE PLUS GRANDE D'EUROPE... Lance en 1990. le European Workboat Show a rapidement pns de rampleur, et compte auiourd'hui plus de 200 exposants, 80 bateaux a (lot et un nombre croissant de visiteurs (plus de 5000 visiteurs prof ess ion nels venus de 39 pays).

Le site off rant celte annee une superiicie supeneure. on s attend a ce que te salon s'etende de nouveau pour 1992.

EUROPAS GROSSTE.. Die .European Workboat Show", die 1990 zum ersten Mai stattfand, expandierte rasch und bietet nun 200 Ausstellern und 80 Booten zu Wasser Platz. Die Zahl der Besucher steigt stetig (uber 5000 Besucher aus 39 Landern in aller Welt).

Die Vergrbflerung der Ausstellungsllache wird voraussichtlich auch 1992 zu einer weiteren Expansion fuhren THE VENUE - PORT SOLENT Port Solent, Portsmouth, is the ideal location for this specialist exhibition. A superb marina complex with mw parking adjacent to the exhibition area.

EASY TO GET THERE BY CAR Port Solent is located next to Junction 12 on the M27 Motorway which links with the UK motorway network.

BY RAIL Two trains per hour from London (Waterloo) Station to Portsmouth (1Vj hours travel time) A free courtesy bus operates (or the short journey to Port Solent.

BY AIR Nearby Southampton (Eastleigh) Airport links with many UK and European airports. Direct Motorway link from London's Heathrow or Gatwick International Airports.

THE EUROPEAN TRADE EXHIBITION FOR SMALL COMMERCIAL CRAFT AND EQUIPMENT E U R O P E A N 23-25 JUNE * 1992 A + * ?S **a' HHH INDUSTRIES PRESENTED BY - & — BOATS Workboats Inshore Fishing Vessels Rigid Inflatables Past Fishing Boats Harbour Launches Patrol Boats Small Military Craft EQUIPMENT • Steering/Stern Gear • Engines/Gearboxes • Safety Equipment • Radar and Sonar • Dec kgear/Fitt ings • Heating Systems • Sound Insulation Police Launches Passenger Boats Tenders Small Femes Pilot Boats Rescue Craft Dories Winches/Haulers Communications Transmissions Propellers Autopilots Clothing Plotters • Pumps SEMINARS There is a daily tree Seminar programme on important and topical subjects relevant to the Small Commercial Craft Industry. For a programme update, please contact the Seminar Secretary: Tel. 0372 453316, Fax 0372 459974.

EXHIBITION DATES & OPENING HOURS Tuesday, 23 June 1992 10.00am to 600pm Wednesday. 24 June 1992 10.00am to 6.00pm Thursday. 25 June 1992 10.00am to 600pm WORKBOAT International FEDERATION For further information please contact:- National Boat Shows Limited, Rownhams House, Rownhams, Southampton, England SO1 8AH.

Telephone: (0703) 737311 Facsimile: (0703) 736840.