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Children cut off by tide SWoth Scotland South Division Two children aged 12 and 5 years who had been cut off by the tide on a sandbank off Mawbray were rescued on 7 July 1991 by the prompt response of the Silloth lifeboat and John Boyle, a member of the public who swam to the children's assistance.

Liverpool coastguard were alerted by a 999 call and requested the immediate launch of the Atlantic 21 lifeboat, which set off at 1711 with helmsman Colin Akitt and crew members Steven Henderson, Andrew Winter. Richard Hocking and Malcolm Brown aboard. They reached the two children just eight minutes later.

When the lifeboat arrived Mr Boyle was supporting the children and trying to get to shallower water. The two children were taken aboard and given first aid and a crew member escorted Mr Boyle ashore.

In a letter of congratulations to honorary secretary Captain C.J. Puxley, the Chief of Operations, Commodore George Cooper, said: '...the helmsman praised the actions of Mr 3ohn Boyle who supported the children in the water. I consider the timely arrival of the lifeboat also contributed to the saving of the children's lives and I would like to congratulate the crew members for their performance in this first class service.'.