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All in a day's work...

Eastbourne crew's first aid examination was interrupted on 1 August by an urgent message over the VHP radio from the Dutch yacht Stresze. requesting medical assistance some ten miles SE of Eastbourne.

The call to help Mr Anton Subbers of Eindhoven couldn't have come at a more convenient time as a paramedic training officer and a stand-in honorary medical adviser were both on hand.

The Rother class Duke of Kent was launched within six minutes of the call. At the casualty, medical staff were transferred to the yacht and diagnosed Mr Subbers as possibly having a perforated ulcer. Mr Subbers was transferred to the lifeboat by stretcher (see below) and, back on land, was taken to the district hospital for treatment. He was later released.

With the lifeboat back on service, the crew members went on to complete their exams..