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Discounts For Over 55's And FREE Trial Membership of "ARP Over 50" - Just Request a Keyplan quote Announcing.... Cheaper Home Contents Protection for People Who Value Their Possessions! Save up to 15% On Your Home Contents Cover Now the over 55's can get £30.000 of home contents cover... and save an immediate 10%! Plus an additional VH oil it you live in a Neighbourhood Watch area.

lust post the coupon below.

Or ring (0772) 20-20-02 lor an instant quote over the phone! Win A Car...

Get A Free Gift! Request your quote within 21 days, and you'll automatically receive a FREE TORCH. And get a chance to WIN THE FORD ESCORTI.bEFiGHIAOR ORION 1.6 CHIA.

Plus 3 month's Free Trial Membership of ARP Giving You...

c it only cio you get all these discounts, we also provide a tree trial and Legal Helplines • Special Discounts From Leading Companies At Last-Total Peace of Mind In Your Own Home! No one can eliminate the danger of theft, fire or flood... but you can eliminate the worry! Many house contents plans can leave you vulnerable...with too little cover to protect your possessions at their real, current value.

But CU KEYPLAN Your Chance To Win A Ford Orion 1.6 Ghia OrEscort1.6EFiGhia Just Request Your Quote Within 21 Days ll ~===s==.=.:. provides a generous DCTAIIS Of THf PRIZE DRAW.

I hi- Dr. i» will be held on 1 Hh Dei ember 1991. All I'lii-ihli' .ippl.c .nils Icir a KFYPl AN quotation will bo onti'rod The winner will ho notitiod hv Christmas ! ho n.mio ,md address .11 In- winner vMllho.iv.iil.ihloon ri-quosl .jttor .Mill Dot omlwi tmiii ( . immercwl Union at the address below Full di-i.nls. ,n r £30,000 of protection to give you peace of mind.

At significantly reduced costs. And without the bother of estimating the value of everything in your home.

With CU KEYPLAN, it's unlikely you will ever again have to worry about whether your valued possessions are fully protected.

membership of the Association of Retired IVrsons-ARPOverSO.

This gives you...

• Free Mugging Insurance • Free Hospital Cash Insurant e • Free Domestic 100% Of Today's Value! If anything is lost, stolen or damaged, CU KEYPLAN gives you 100% of their replacement cost at today's pric es.

J2J Ring (0772) 20-20-02 - FOR A FREE QUOTE 8am to 8pm. Monday to I nd.iv. or'iamlonoonon Saturday for your quote and free u,ill.

And CU KEYPLAN gives you comprehensive protection against virtually all forms of disaster - from storms to burglaries.

And everything in your home is protected: furniture, clothing, freezer food, cash, gardening tools, bicycles and electrk il equipment, jewellery and glass. You can even cover the actual structure of your home! And CU has just increased the cover limits on many items! KEYPLAN's £30,000 of cover, plus CU's famous claims service offers you total peace of mind.

FREE Get this free torch by phoning i r using the coupon. (Batteries not im luded.) The offer closes within 21 days and we cannot guarantee it will be repeated. (Please allow 28 days for delivery.) • siHolc'iis n! I cindun I ( IP 1DQ R,i isiorori in I nKl.ind Vimhot.' I IS7 Request For Free Quotation YES please enter mv name in the CU Prize Draw and send by return a treeKH I'l AN quotation along with my tree gift. I understand that lam under no obligation, an 1 1 i insider thai the value of my possessions does nol exceed 1 30,000.

D YES I would like a I K [ f ( month Irial membership of ARP Over 50.

Surname Mr Mrx Ms jvlo.isr ili-Mr .is .II ( |H .ibJo First Namels) Address No. of bedrooms (KFYPLAN maximum is 41 Is your home regularly unoccupied during the day? CH YFS D NO If you currently have home contents insurance, when does your policy expire? Would you like a quotation for building insurance' 1 YES : NO It *i [ s what is your current buildings sum insured? £ Postcode lei o. (Daytime) _ (Evening) _ ourd.ltenthirth?_ Have you made a claim for theft from your home in the past 1 years? Vf5, please attach details on a separate piece oipaper Signature Date Please return this coupon to: Commercial Union Assuranc e Customer Sen/ices Centre FREEPOST, Preston PR1 2BR YES NO MB I.' COMMERCIAL UNION ln qu.ililv lor the I0"n over " S lts oullt1 General Insurance We won't make a drama out of a crisis 141.