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Pulaid Marine Systems

The instant guide to safety at sea.

Legislation or not in 1992. as every serious boat user knows, safety at sea is vital - and when the unexpected happens, there's often little time to consider the correct response.

The bey to a safe decision is information - and if you don't know the answer, it must be easily accessible.

That's where Pulaid's Concise Navigational Reference System comes to the rescue. This handy set of laminated rotating discs provides at-a-glance :ice to the IALA Buoyage System.

Flags and Morse. International Regulations for the prevention of Collisions ; Parts C and D. Light Charactermd International Distress Signals.

No need for endless heavy volumes or jumbled flip cards - just consult an authoritative source on your chart table. Instantly.

Like all the best ideas, the Pulaid Concise Navigational Reference System is beautifully simple - with a price to match. To obtain your set in its weather-resistant case, complete and return the coupon. Or visit your ship's chandler.

After all. £ 19.95 is a small price to pay for peace of mind. Particularly when one of those pounds will support the life-saving work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.


SEE YOUR CHANDLER NOW OR FILL IN COUPON BELOW Yes. please send me the neatest on-board safety aid of the 90s! Name Address County. Post Code D A cheque tor £1995 including postage & packing (made payable to Pukiid Marine Sy tem Lid ) is enclosed DPlease charge my Access/Visa card (Delete as applicable) or ord r order by phone now on 0206 763726.

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