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Breydon Merchant

Two lifeboats called to blazing ammunition ship Eastbourne and Shoreham lifeboats were launched on 24 February 1991 when fire swept through the 400-ton motor vessel Breydon Merchant some 12 miles SW of Newhaven.

The vessel was on passage from Essex to Northern Ireland carrying 120 tons of ammunition for the Army there when fire broke out in the accommodation and spread quickly to the engine room. A sixmile exclusion zone was ordered around the ship while a tug towed the casualty further offshore.Eastbourne lifeboat had just been recovered after an exercise when the crew heard the ship's initial Mayday on their radio and were able to identify the vessel by radar and pass on her position to Dover Coastguard.

The lifeboats were recalled after the crew of Breydon Merchant had been winched to safety by two helicopters from Mansion and Lee-on-SoIent..