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Membership News

G o v e r n o r s • S h o r e I i ne • S t o r m F o r c e Hitting the target In the summer edition of THE LIFEBOAT we asked whether it was possible to set our sights on obtaining that 200,000th active member by the end of 1991. We have progressed a little towards that target, and at the latest count had just over 170,000 members.

30,000 members in a year is a tall order - a target which is possible, but only with your help. As this issue of the journal is published we shall be recruiting hard at the London Boat Show, but can we count on your help throughout the year? Enrolment forms and dispensers are readily available for yacht clubs, social clubs and any other suitable premises.

Can we again encourage all members to recruit at least one new member each during 1991. Variable Help Members will be aware that a concerted effort has been made throughout 1990 to encourage members to pay their annual subscription by direct debit and under deed of covenant - and furthermore to sign the appropriate form so that both methods can be under the 'variable' scheme.

Covenanted payments enable the RNLI to reclaim tax and increase the value of the subscription.

By the end of January all members will have received the necessary forms. Response has been very encouraging but it is not too late to sign the form, and ensure an even better use of your valued subscription. Gift Aid Whilst on the subject of making better use of members subscriptions there is of course another tax efficient method of giving. This is the new Gift Aid Scheme introduced by the Government in its most recent budget and which took effect from 1 October 1990.

For single cash gifts between £600 and £5m made to charity by UK residents, that charity is able to reclaim the tax already paid on it - thus a contribution of £600 becomes £800 to the RNLI without any extra cost to the subscriber, in effect the exchequer contributes the extra £200. With gifts of greater value the amounts which the Institution can reclaim are, of course, proportionally greater.

Simple Gift Aid forms are available from both head office and our regional offices and more details of the scheme can be found in the news pages of this issue.

Regional Office In the previous edition of the journal we published the addresses of the regional offices. Please note that the incorrect telephone number was given for the Southern office following its recent move.

The address is correct as shown but the telephone number is now Ferndown (0202) 861166. Storm Force membership is open to anyone under 16 years of age, and costs just £3 per year.

Members receive a quarterly magazine and are welcome at the Storm Force Rallies around the country. There is no shortage of good design ideas for future lifeboats from Storm Force members. Entries in the 'Design a lifeboat of the Future' competition brought in masses of entries and gave chief of operations, Commodore George Cooper and chief technical officer, David Hudson, a hard task choosing the winners.

Prizes for this competition were Karisma colour display boxes donated by Berol.

Storm Force rallies continue to be the most popular attractions and even inland members had an opportunity to see a new lifeboat recently on the River Severn at Worcester! Royal Shipwright, a new Mersey class lifeboat, sailed up the river to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Worcester Ladies' lifeboat guild and a Storm Force rally was one of many events organised.