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Lifeboat Small Ads

LIFEBOAT SMALL ADS HOME DIGITAL WEATHER STATION The WeatherPro provides full digital weather monitoring. It includes a microprocessor data display; a remote precision wind vane/anemometer assembly; an external temperature probe and 12 metres of cable.

Features: • Wind Speed and Direction • Wind Gust Record and Chill Factor • Temperature with Minimum/Maximum Record • Rainfall (with optional rain collector) • Operates from Batteries. 12 volts or Mams (optional) WEATHERPRO WEATHER STATION £169.95 inc VAT Add C500 for shipping (UK|. C1800 (Europe) To order or request full colour catalogue call toll free on 0800 525142 Fax (0903) 731105 WE ACCEPT ACCESS AND VISA ICS ELECTRONICS LTD. UNIT V. RUDFORD IND ESTATE.

FORD, ARUNDEL, W SUSSEX BN18 OBD Renovation and repair of all types of meteorological instruments to Met. Office standards • Men HIT anil aitiTuul instiiimeiils • Approved In si-mrr and supply sp.urs lor NriiivmK /amlH'.i Instruments • i h . t i i v |M-ns. Ink • Display b.ll oi t.lphs .l . l l l . l l ill produced in i h l i . i d i t i n i i . i l xlylc W. J. Read 49 Old Park. Nartxmmuh.

Kiniis Lynn. Norfolk PE32 ITII I'liom- (076O) 337801 ISLE OF MULL A small guesl house and farm in lovely countryside, a mile from villages and two from coast.

Package multi-activity holidays. Sea sailing and home cooking Write to Jenny Matthew.

Ardnoch. Oervaig. Isle of Mull. Argyll.

Telephone (06884) 264 SARK - CHANNEL ISLANDS LICENSED GUESTHOUSE Family run Centrally situated nr. La Scigncurtc.

Open all year BAB or half board Own produce All rooms H & C. heating, hot drinks, some cn-suitc Contact John and Jenny Marsland (or tariff and brochure Sark(048l)8111».

RNLI PRESENTATION WALL PLAQUES Coloured houseflag in relief on W x 5 /i" varnished shield ri4each( + E1 75 p&p) Engraved plate with your wording E5 extra Supplied lo many crews, stations and branches for those special presentations MARINE CRAFTS West Rock, The Cleave. Kingsand.

Nr Torpoint. Cornwall PL10 1NF •R (0752 822638).

Holiday Cabins For Hire and Sale at Churehwood foltey Comfortable, quality holiday homes.

I Set in coastal preservation area • Adjoining NT land and near several NT 'Historic houses I Good touring area close to Dartmoor Nat. Park.

Wembury Bay, Plymouth -'South Devon '.,(0752)862382 (24 hr) FLUSHING, CORNWALL Comfortably furnished quayside holiday cottage, sleeping six in three bedrooms, situated in the centre of this quiet village on beautiful Falmouth harbour. Views across the water to Greenbank and the Royal Cornwall YC.

Phone Mr A. Bromley, Ringwood (0425) 476660 or write 22 Gravel Lane. Ringwood. Hants BH24 1LN SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS INVEREWE GARDEN 6 MILES Relax in luxury bungalow in over an acre ot garden 300 yards trom the sea Dinner, bed and breaklast CIS Traditional and vegetarian, home baking Mrs P Cawtnra Cartmel. Aultbea. W Ross Tel 104451 731375 HIGHLANDS of SCOTLAND INVEREWE GARDEN 6 MILES Luxury bungalow sleeps 4 with patio windows overlook ing the bay (200 yards) Available all year lull heating SAE Birchburn Holidays. Aullbea. W Ross Tel (0445)731375 CHASE YOUR DREAMS and let SEA WIFE take you to soaring mountains, picturesque harbours and deserted beaches.

Sail the Hebrides in this 60ft luxury yacht with private cabins and superb food. You need not lift a finger Sue Kime, 5 Burnbank Terrace, OBAN, Argyll PA34 5PB Till SIM ( IAI ISIS IN AM . I-ORMS Ol-SEA BURIAL TIIK BRITANNIA MIIITIM . COMPANY K)R Bt RIAL AT SKA • I I Ml I I n Hi it.inni.i I louse • Ncwion I'opplciortl • Nr. Sklmoulh • Devon I-.X III III I-.Telephone CuLiinn Raleigh (O.W) hXh52 — 24 hours FLORIDA DISNEYWORLD HOLIDAY Fabulous new bungalows with private pools! Superb facilities including air conditioning, telephone, television, dishwasher, microwave, washer/drvcr.

For rental or purchase.

Disneyworld exactly five minutes drive away! for further infimnatwn, tv/mir I'roiiuirc iititl i'li/ev li'lcytiiHh': (092681) 7446 office hours (092681) 2566 evenings/weekends or Fax (092681) 3395 ANYTIME PS - We'll ilKiiale LIH IK Hie RNI.I !KI . vru lull lti i(vrK iHi'fo'il1 PLYMOUTH HOE - DEVON AA .V RAC -V IMPERIAL HOTEL - 22 bedrooms mostly en-suite - Nautical Cocktail bar - Discount for Shoreline members and friends - Details contact resident proprietor Lt Cdr Alan K.

Jones RNR Retd. Colour brochure and tariff.

Plymouth (0752) 227311 f.

FAMILY NAME COATS OF ARMS Individually painled by haiu! (from only £19.95) Wnlc and we will tell yon i l a coat ol arm*, ix .i six i.iu-d with your name free ALL ARMED FORCES. SCHOLASTIC.

CIVIC AND PROFESSIONAL Ties, bl.i/cr b.iducx and wall plaque*, (Over lO.O(K) Hcsimis mcreasuiu d.nlyl ORIGIN OF YOUR SURNAME We research the name ami print in Old Kniilish ch.iiaclcis mi parchment H| papci a Inn- record of UK name cinbc! Bvhed with heraldic bcaslsaiul shields in sL erilnurs measuring l.'iin by I l l n .

I'riec unlv £14.95 A unique Christmas gift I'lr.i -e send a lamp l ir free colour bro ehure and price list. For orders phone (0202) 631761. Visa Acccs- Housc of Arms and Emblems Ucpl l.i) 142 Sandy Ume. 1'oole.

Dorscl. (ill 16 5I.Y THE HOTEL FOR ALL SEASONS Secluded, romantic and wonderful hospitality HOLME CHASE Nr. Ashbuiton, Devon Poundsgate (036 43) 471 • RAC" Commendation of BT A WEATHER INSTRUMENTS Barometers, barographs, raingauges, frost predictors, hygrometers and thermometers. Also an inexpensive range of remote sensing instruments for wind, rain and temperature All available by post Full colour brochure and price list from Mel-Check.

Dcpt. N.L.. PO Box 284, Bletchley.

Milton Krvnes. MK17 OQD. Telephone 029671 2354 (24 hours).

MINIATURE MODELS OF LIFEBOATS, SAILING VESSELS, YACHTS, AND OTHER MARITIME CRAM Commissioned by maritime museums, collectors, owners, skippers, RNll stations and crews Each subiccl individually created, by one ot the world's leading ship modellers, 10 provide exceptionally ,m ui.iir .iiicl detailed replicas 'txqoisitc pertec lion in miniature' a chenl The work includes many RNLI lilclHKits lor naming ceremonies, retirements and collections Each supplied with certificate ol BRIAN WILLIAMS West Rock.

The Cleave.

Knuis.iinl Torpoint.

Cornwall PLIO INF (Tel: 0752 8226381 ALMOST AFLOAT...

in t lose waterfront, Fowey Hartn ur, Skiuth Cornwall. Comfortable holiday eottages, I'olruan, sleep 2/8. Superb views. e i e p t i i m a l l v vell-ei]uippeel, miHiriiiK facilities. 0 0 'C3?0 wivkly.

Telephone (0726) 870582 For Brochure, Prices or lo Order phone CHAMPAGNE Dt COURCY (U.K.) LTD.

0233 861202 Every bottle sold benefits the R.N.L.I.

SAIL ALYSTRA A 38ft ketch, sailing the Hebrides Join skipper Tony (ex-MN) and Anya. cook and zoologist, aboard' Alystra'. and help cruise the magnificent waters ol the West Coast.

Explore uninhabited isles, enjoy quiet anchorages and good lood Learn the basics ot cruising, pilotage, navigation, or just take in the scenery. Sail in sheltered waters ideal lor the family. Single sailors welcome. Cruises start from L. Craignish.

From C229-C259 p.p 6 days Members ol the A SY.C.

RYA Recognised Teaching Establishment GILL YACHT CHARTERS Ardfern. by Lochgllphead. Argyll PA31 SON Tel: (08525) 257 TIME AND TIDE at your fingertips TIDEMASTER" PILOT • Quartz accuracy • Guaranteed working depth 7511 • Clear luminous hands and batons • Automatic calendar • Quick set date change • Tide bezel" monitors tidal state • Radio beacon identification bezel All this lor only £29.95 inc VAT At the best chandlers or add Cl lor 1st class recorded despatch Irom YACHTING INSTRUMENTS LIMITED BOATING DEPARTMENT, MAPPOWDER STURMINSTEH NEWTON. DORSET DT102EH Tel: (0258) 817662 Fax (0258) 817829 Reg d n 96276S • R4g Trad* Uwk LIFEBOAT SMALL ADS J. G. S. WEATHERVANES lor t]u,ilil ,1111.1 bc.uity, uv offer you our li .1 n d c u t weather- .11H' 10 o i i r choice of Ji'Mi;ii, bl.ick nylon co.ited, or airbriishecl tor ,1 unique lile-like appearance.

An ideal personalised gift.

Tel (0525) 220360 for brochure ACTIVE INVESTORS need looseleal investment ledgers £ 15 SAE lor details to R D C Passey. The Mill House. Crewe Road. Crewe CW1 1NW DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK Mixk-rn htniNC in ivuiori.iiul vtlljt L' trn|o m£ i-I.iiil views nl I'l) mouth Sound U r scll-iali'mii: h »lida v Sleeps 5. Tgl:(l 7VS) .VM30 BOSANNETH GUEST HOUSE II you visit Falmouth in 1991 a warm welcome awaits you at Bosanneth Guest House Sea views, good food, en suite, colour TV in all rooms, licenced Private car park.

Brochure on request Telephone or write to Mrs Ann McGonagle. 1 Stracey Road, Falmouth. Cornwall TR11 4DW.

Telephone (0326) 314649 ISLES OF SCILLY MINCARLO GUEST HOUSE - superb position overlooking the harbour at St Mary's - adjacent the Lileboat Station Run by the same local family since 1945. All rooms HSC and heating, some with en-suite facilities Tel. (0720) 22513 or write Colin Duncan FOR YOUR CLUB OR CHARITY RENT-A-RACE PHOM 0932 2226,8 FOR YOUR BKOCHUKf REGIMENTAL TIES Also Club. Company. Promotional Ties.

Blazer Badges & Burtons. Cuff Links. Hand Painted Heraldic Shields/Cor Badges Medal Mounting also miniatures RADNOR LTD. 39 Thames Street.

Windsor. Berks SL4 1PR Tel: (0753) 863982 Est 1919 Personal Callers Welcome Cornwall. Tamarsidf cottage Idyllic surroundings. Sleeps 4. Pots wckomr « Barnes (0579) 50284 Perranporth Cornwall, private chalet sleeps 6. Use of Warners facilities.

Reasonable rates Tel. (0494) 446932 Barometers & Barographs Krxlnit-d h r.xjM'i irticrd i I . i l K i n c n Jnd.

N«Xi« in .S /.niihi.i .Hid other (.minus m.iki •- Cnlli-i l i nn I N . m i ( i i n . i l London.

KussHI S i c i i h l u Insliuim Mis K.ish's 1 , 1 . rn IVrrh.mi. Norlolk NR19 LI' , Tel.

DRAMATIC NORTH CORNISH COAST MI per *.-oitjj;c m Miial! hamlet with icw hciwiriMi Tintucl/BcBcutk 1 . - .mil ! IvdriMimv 1.INRN SI PPLIED Colour TV.

Dogs welcome'ji . i l i i i i n . 1 iiil.tiit-l. V I , I n 4n " PORTRAITS-IN-OIL Commission an Original Oil Painting Your loved one Pel House. Boat etc from a photograpn Paintings ot any subject undertaken 8RUNETH FINE ART. 21 Stanhope Close Maidslone KenlMEMZRB Tel (0622)750534 ALMOST AFLOAT ON THE DART On the quay at Ditttsham. A comfortable family holiday house. Sleeps 7. garden, private quay, idyllic surroundings, widltowl.

£220-£305 pw according to season Telephone (0844) 237068 'COCKATOO' Sail warmer and calmer seas! Join Roy and Sarah on their 53ft ketch Cockatoo' cruising SW Turkey and Greek Islands. For details phone (0304) 374636 Unique WATERSIDE HOLIDAYS IN CORNWALL Peaceful location at water's edge * 5 attractive COTTAGES and FLATS * Boats for hire * Moorings, Jetty and Slipway * Also YACHTS for charter BAR CREEK. MALPAS, TRURO (0872)73919 TR1 1SS MARINE ART franEaUfiyS Your Own Yacht Painted In Oils by a professional artist Also portraits animals, copies of photos, old masters etc Baileys Fine Art, 43 Nutfieid Drive.

Droitwich. Worcs WR9 ODJ (0905) 770458 SW FRANCE Convenienl for The Mediterranean Pyrenees and spectaculai countryside Stay in a comfortable, picturesque hilltop Chambre d'Hote with high standarc accommodation from £161pw per couple irx Breakfast Tel (OtO-33 68.24 74 36 for brochure YACHT AND BOAT INSURANCE Phone Coopers for quotations Woodbridge (03943) 4749 DECK SHOES In finest Port Leather with fully stitched anti slip sole S A E for details to BOARDERLINE LTD. 69 Kirkdale Road.

Sth Wigston, Leicestef LE8 2SR TOPOTOTS QUALITY WATERPROOFS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Sou westers trousers blousons etc Optional detachable fleece lining For tree brochure send SAE to Brow Cottage. Stoney Lane.


Telephone i0635i 40438 TIME SHARE Luxury apartment for sale. Sleeps six, two bath, overlooking Lymington River and Solem Mid August £10.000.

Telephone (0202) 744090 ABBEY BOOKS l.ii HUM. -., ..! Shipping. 1.U him,! History etc. •- I IUIIH! iiii,| !'-.. .k .

I IH -vll, l) . 1 1 . 1 1 , " I I I , MK.MVII w srcrne KOAD. SCAVICW. ISLE or »H.ll I P034 SUM. 1 . 1 , ph..ii, 0983 6128} 1 Binocular Repair Specialists High quality & realistic prices for repairs cleaning realigning. Also new and S H sales ACTION OPTICS 2 Old Hill. Avening. Nr Tetbury Glos GL8 8NR Tel Nailswonh (045383) 3738 Last date for advertising copy for the Spring 1991 issue of THE LIFEBOAT is 11 February 1991 Sign here to fieip the life-boats...

If you have any autographs of famous people the RNLI can turn them into cash to help run the lifeboat service.

A specialist auction house will sell individual autographs or collections on the RNLI's behalf.

Individually they may not be particularly valuable but if we can collect enough they will make a worthwhile addition to the Institution's funds.

Send your autographs to: The Fund Raising Department, RNLI Headquarters, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ CRUISING ON A BUDGET ! 16ft day-sailer cruising dinghy. Modernised and improved Shipmate , one t» berth cuddy, professional-standard re-paint, two headsails. cruising boom ter elderly road trailer, good-quality equipment, fully equipped Unused last two se; sons due to lack of time, just needs clean and tidy £995 to good home Phone (0300) 20928 (West Dorset) To advertise in THE LIFEBOAT contact Peter Holness, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ. telephone Poole (0202) 671133. More than 185,000 copies of the journal are printed each quarter .Small ads £17.33 per single column centimetre, whole page display (mono) £1.688 - other sizes and quantity discounts available. Dene Michael We Will Be There A brand-new song released in support of the RNLI is now available from your local record store. Just look for the RNLI logo.

Every record sold earns the RNLI 40p.