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Poole - New Lifeboat House

A new era in the history of Poole's lifeboats began on 27 July 1990 when the Mayor of Poole, Councillor Mrs Anne Stribley, unveiled a plaque to mark the opening of the new lifeboat house in a very visible position next to the lifting bridge at Poole Quay, and close to the police and pilot launches.

Representatives attending the ceremony included: Lt Cdr Brian Miles, director of the RNLI, Ian Andrews, Town Clerk; R.O. Greig, chairman of the Harbour Commissioners; John Barton, Harbour-master; Ernest Daglass.

district controller of HM Coastguard and Mrs Margaret Adam, chairman of Poole Ladies' guild.

Mr Douglas Reeves, station honorary secretary, opened the proceedings by welcoming the Mayor and introducing her to the crew and their wives. Mr Douglas Kingsbury, branch chairman, then thanked the many people who had made the new lifeboat house possible, including the Harbour Commissioners, who provided berthing facilities and land for the extension of the police and pilot's building to incorporate the lifeboat house, and Poole Borough Council for professional assistance in the design of the building and a donation towards its cost.

The lifeboat house will provide storage for lifeboat equipment, stores and protective clothing, as well as washing facilities and a crew room for the 18 lifeboatmen who man the lifeboats.

Poole's two lifeboats, the Brede class Inner Wheel and the Boston Whaler inshore lifeboat, Sam and Iris Coles moved to their new berths from Poole Harbour Yacht Club Marina last year..

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