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Around and about the RNLI Jam on the Bread! Two stars from the popular BBC TV series 'Bread' drew the winning tickets for the RNLI's 50th national lottery, which took place on 31 July 1990.

Nellie Boswell and Lilo Lil (actresses Jean Boht and Eileen Pollock), who were appearing in a successful stage version of the show at the Bournemouth Pavilion, had great fun pulling out the lucky tickets from the drum, with the first prize of £2,000 going to Mr Wright of Christchurch, Dorset - the first time a local resident has been a winner since the quarterly raffle was started 12 years ago.

Supervising the draw for the first time was Ian Ventham who joined the RNLI in May as Head of Fund Raising and Marketing.

The 50th lottery raised more than £73,000 and the prize winners were: £2,000 - M. A. Wright, Christchurch, Dorset.

£1,000 - Mr and Mrs L. Berry, Bath.

£500 - D.R. Gay, Southampton, Hants..

£250 - Mrs S. Hammersley, Ruislip, Middlesex. £100 - F.H. Ellis, Southwold, Suffolk; Mr and Mrs D.S. Christian, Horncastle, Lincolnshire; S. Slack, Aston, Sheffield; J.C. Rouse, South Lowestoft, Suffolk; Mrs K.L. O'Malley, London; MJ.

Davies, Grays, Essex; M. Dawson, Caterham, Surrey; Miss J.A. Bradbury, Coventry. £50 - Mrs J.C. Jenkins, Burncross, Sheffield; R.M. Danby, Newcastle-upon- Tyne; Mrs J. Stirrup, London; D. Jane, Guildford, Surrey; Mr and Mrs W.F.

Gooder, Bridlington, North Humberside; J. Walker Morris, Worcester; M. McGregor, Warrington, Cheshire; Miss J.

Luckins, Warrington, Cheshire. Obituaries With deep regret we record the following deaths: NOVEMBER 1989 John Todd, coxswain of Sunderland lifeboat from 1966 until his retirement in 1974. He joined the crew in 1946 and was bowman from 1948 to 1958 when he became second coxswain until his appointment as coxswain.

JANUARY 1990 Mrs N.B. Cooke, president of St Helens Ladies' guild from 1967 until her death. She was formerly vice president from 1959 to 1967.

FEBRUARY 1990 Mrs B.C. Davey, vice president of Jersey Ladies' guild from 1968 until her death. She was chairman of the guild from 1962 to 1968 and was awarded a silver badge in 1986.

MARCH 1990 Lady Olwen Gary Evans DBE, honorary life governor since 1974.

APRIL 1990 Arthur Crowther, honorary treasurer of Nottingham and District branch from 1972 until his death.

Ivor Crockford, coxswain of Tenby lifeboat from 1968 to 1972. He joined the crew in 1937, became bowman in 1957, and then served as second coxswain from 1958 until his appointment as coxswain in 1968.

JUNE 1990 Miss D. North, honorary secretary of Kirkby Lonsdale branch from 1952 until her death. She was awarded a silver badge in 1963 and a gold badge in 1978.

Graham Gorringe, chairman of Lewes and District branch from 1967 to 1982 when he was then appointed vice president until his death. He was awarded a silver badge in 1983.

Mrs Edith Harding, founder member and honorary box secretary of Stockport South East branch. She was chairman from 1974 to 1979 and, together with her husband, was awarded a statuette in 1983.

Colonel J.A.M. Phillips DSO MBE DL, chairman of Staithes and Runswick station branch from 1969 to 1987 when he was elected deputy president until his death. He was awarded a silver badge in 1980.

R.W. McKernan, Filey station branch treasurer from 1965 to 1976, committee member 1976 to 1981 and station administrative officer from 1981 to his death. He was awarded a silver badge in 1986.

JULY 1990 Mrs Kitty Gould, committee member of Hayling Island branch from 1970 to 1988. She was awarded a certificate of thanks in 1985.

William Robinson, coxswain of Filey lifeboat from 1947 to 1963. He was a crew member from 1928 to 1933, assistant mechanic from 1940 to 1944 when he became second coxswain until his appointment as coxswain in 1947.

Toby Sutton, Laird of Slains, donor of the Montrose lifeboat Moonbeam.

Leslie (Curly) Boyles, chairman and deputy launching authority of Ilfracombe lifeboat station/ branch. He served as a crew member from 1965 to 1972 and was then assistant mechanic until he retired in 1973 due to ill health. In 1976 he was elected chairman of the branch and was deputy launching authority from 1984. Mr Boyles was awarded a long service badge in 1983 and a silver badge in 1986. Birthday honours Coxswain Douglas Matthewson BEM of Arbroath lifeboat has been awarded the British Empire Medal for his services to the RNLI in Her Majesty the Queen's Birthday Honours list. He joined the crew in 1953 and served as second coxswain from 1963 until his appointment as coxswain in 1965.

Other awards for achievements not directly connected with the Institution's work have gone to: CBE John James CBE, executive trustee, Grosvenor Estate, Crown Estate Commissioners and also a vice president of the Institution and member of the Committee of Management.

QBE Gordon Dodd OBE, operations director of FBM Marine, builders of many of the Institution's lifeboats.

Maldwin Drummond OBE, for public services and services to conservation. Mr Drummond is a vice president of the Institution and a member of the Committee of Management.

Philip Leigh-Bramwell OBE, for services to the community in Bolton and for charitable services. Mr Leigh-Bramwell and his family have been generous supporters of the RNLI. Birthday Parade The RNLI was closely involved with the celebrations of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother during the summer.

Her Majesty, a patron of the Institution for more then 50 years, was honoured at Horse Guards Parade on 27 June 1990 and also reviewed a fleet of yachts at Spithead on 30 July 1990.

An Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable, towed by a Land-Rover, represented the RNLI at Horse Guards Parade, with 15 lifeboatmen two staff, and two voluntary fund raisers making up the tableau. A total of some 4,000 people were on parade for inspection by Her Majesty.

The Land-Rover was driven by Steven Simmons and Philip Howard of the RNLI's Cowes Base, the Atlantic 21 was manned by lifeboatmen Martin Ellison, Joe Breen and Billy Ellison from Portaferry with Tony Bebbington, David Knowles and Geoff Barfoot of Poole escorting the RNLI colour born by Teesmouth coxswain Peter Race.

Flanking them were Norman Urquhart and Colin McCaffrey of Thurso (whose Arun class lifeboat is named Queen Mother), Barry Roberts and Richard McLaughlin of Trearddur Bay, Tony Hawkins and Peter Killick of Dover and Ian Vincent and Ron Latcham of Hartlepool.

Mrs Dru Dennis of the Godstone branch and John Cox of the St Albans branch represented the fund raisers at this auspicious occasion.

A few weeks later the RNLI took part in the Queen Mother's review of yachts at Spithead on the Solent, when the Yarmouth and Bembridge lifeboats led the huge escort which accompanied the Royal Yacht Britannia on her passage through massed ranks of yachts anchored in her honour.

Yarmouth's Arun class Joy and John Wade took the westbound leg and Bembridge's Tyne class Max Aitken III the eastbound - the two lifeboats executing an impressive switch from a very hemmed-in position as Britannia turned through 180 degrees.

Portsmouth and Lymington's Atlantics and Calshot's Brede class lifeboats were also at sea as part of the safety arrangements for the huge fleet of yachts.

Profitable Pugwash Cartoonist John Ryan, who draws the famous Captain Pugwash, was not terribly pleased when a national newspaper published allegations of innuendo and double entendre in the good Captain's exploits.

As a keen supporter of the RNLI John was pleased to be able to forward a cheque for £1,000 sent to him by the paper to clear the intrepid mariner's name, along with a published apology. 'Let's hope it may help to save the Captain in one of his many hours of need some day!' he added. Surprise, Surprise! Very few people believed that a combined birthday and retirement party with 180 guests could be kept secret from the guest of honour, especially in a close-knit town the size of Salcombe.

Somehow the secret remained safe, and the look of surprise on the face of Bill Budgett when he arrived at Salcombe Yacht Club was reward enough for all the behind the scenes plotting by the Salcombe lifeboat crew.

After 25 years as honorary secretary at Salcombe lifeboat station Bill was celebrating both his birthday and retirement.

Gifts were presented to him by the crew of The Baltic Exchange II, the Salcombe lifeboat committee, the Salcombe Ladies' guild, Brixham Coastguard and Padstow lifeboat.

The affection for Bill was demonstrated when guests travelling from near and far.

Mr Paul Vogt, chairman of the Baltic Exchange, donors of the town's lifeboat, and Ray Kipling, the Institution's deputy director were among the host of close friends of a man who surely epitomises the spirit of the RNLI. A Family Affair 'Todays Lifeboatmen' in the Summer 1990 edition of the journal temporarily changed its title to 'Todays Lifeboatwomen' to feature the three young ladies who are crew members of Little and Broad Haven's D class lifeboat.

However, we hear that the crew of Lough Swilly's D class lifeboat not only includes three girls, but that two of them are sisters! Bridgita Kelly and Maria-Claire and Dawn Stevenson make up the trio.

Adding to the family atmosphere at the station two of the other members of the crew, Peter and Mark Barnett, are brothers.

Does your station have even more closely linked family ties? A different service! A special surprise was in store for Whitby lifeboat supporter Joanne Lunn on her wedding day - the crew turned up to provide a guard of honour.

Coxswain Peter Thomson and three crew members travelled 70 miles to Wakefield to congratulate the girl who has been raising money for them since she was only ten years old.

Joanne and her younger sister Caroline began raising money for the lifeboat with a Christmas party in 1977. Since then they have become staunch fund raisers and the amount raised has increased each year.

The sisters, who live at Outwood, near Wakefield, visited the station five years ago when they went on board the lifeboat.

They were also among the special guests invited to last year's naming ceremony of the station's new Tyne class lifeboat City of Sheffield by the Duchess of Kent.

Station honorary secretary Les Heath said: 'The girls' aunt told us the date of the wedding and asked if the crew would toast Joanne's health on the day. Instead they decided to travel to the wedding as a surprise. The family were delighted - it was only after the signing of the register that Joanne saw them, it really made her day.' Long Service Awards The Long Service Badge for crew members and shore helpers who have given active service for 20 years or more has been awarded to: Aberdeen - Mechanic I.E. Jack Blackpool - Crew Member P. Parton Eastbourne - Crew Member C.F. Burden Helensburgh - Crew Member C. Gardiner Kilmore - Coxswain J.J. Devereux, Second Coxswain B.P. Kehoe, Mechanic W. Culleton, Emergency Mechanics D. Bates, D. Culleton, Crew Members J. Kehoe, M. Culleton Lyme Regis - Crew Member G. Turner, Shore Helpers K.R. Gollop, B.R. Miller, J.R.F.

Sewell, A. Archer Thomson North Berwick - Crew Member T. Cunningham Port Isaac- Crew Member NJ. Andrews Portsmouth (Langstone Harbour) - Crew Member GJ. Jewell Ramsgate - Crew Member T.H. Brown Sheringham - Head Launcher W.G. White Shoreham - Assistant Mechanic M. Fox, Crew Members P. Lowe, P. Huxtable Southend - Crew Members P. Gilson, R.

Fossett St Davids - Crew Member R.M. Bateman Swanage - Shore Helper J.E. Corben Torbay - Shore Helper E.G. Fradd Troon - Shore Helper T.L. Devenny Yarmouth - Crew Member K. Hopkins On Station The following lifeboats have taken up station and relief fleet duties: ALL-WEATHER Wells - Mersey 12-003 (ON 1161) Doris M. Mann of Ampthillon3}u y 1990.

Ilfracombe - Mersey 12-007 (ONI 165) Spirit of Derbyshire on 20 July 1990.

Tobermory - Waveney 44-016 (ON 1042) Ralph and Joy Swann on 6 August 1990 as temporary station lifeboat.

Skegness - Mersey 12-008 (ON 1166) Lincolnshire Poacher on 7 August 1990.

INSHORE Relief-D401 on 16 May 1990.

Relief - D404 on 23 May 1990.

Relief-D403 on 13 June 1990.

Relief - D 405 on 28 June 1990.

Port Talbot - D402 on 24 July 1990.

Relief - D407 on 25 July 1990.

Relief - D406 on 1 August 1990..