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Oh dear, oh deer On 21 May Bridlineton's D class lifeboat Bridlington's was launched after two deer from a nearby park took to the water when chased by dogs.

We reproduce the station honorary secretary's report verbatim: 'The Sheriff of Nottingham (in the guise of the senior coastguard officer on watch) quoth that two of the King's Roe Deer were in the sea and swimming towards the continent, he requested assistance.

He was told to sound the hunting horn to assemble the merry men.

'Once assembled they were told of the situation, asked to leave their longbows ashore so as not to puncture the inflated goat skin of the ILB coracle, launch the coracle, and endeavour to turn the deer back to the beach where the Sheriffs men were waiting with their blue and yellow charger. They were told not to capture the deer as they would be seen and taken.

'This the men did, with great heart, turning the deer back some one furlong and four poles from the shore. The Sheriffs men drove the deer back into the forest, after dispersing an ugly mob of local peasants holding their curs in check.

'Having not taken the deer, so having no venison for supper, the merry men returned to the safety of the greenwood tree.' Valuing the animals at up to £1,000 the Hon Sec noted that he didn't think this was too dear….