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The M.F.V.s Sophie Louise, Nova Venture and George Weatherill

Help for disabled MFV in severe gale force winds IWhitby's relief Tyne class lifeboat Owen and Ann Aisher was on service for some 12 hours on 3 April 1990 when three fishing vessels experienced difficulties with the entrance to the harbour in onshore Force 9 winds and seas of almost 20ft.

The lifeboat had been requested to standby at 1150 when the local fishing boat Nova Venture wished to enter harbour in the very difficult conditions. The 14 ton MFV was advised that entry would be too dangerous and that she should make for Scarborough, which would be safer.

As she made for Scarborough two larger vessels approached the entrance and in view of their size decided to enter. The 25 ton George Weatherill came into the harbour safely, but as the 51 ton Sophie Louise approached she radioed that her steering had jammed and that urgent assistance was required.

The lifeboat launched at 1209 and having encountered the conditions shown graphically in the photograph was alongside the casualty by 1335.

Taking the fishing vessel in tow in extremely difficult conditions she took 45 minutes to tow her to the Bell Buoy through broken white water.

It was decided that the entrance to Whitby would be impossible in the circumstances and that the best course of action would be to tow Sophie Louise to Scarborough. The tow parted on several occasions during the passage, and each time had to be re-established in very bad conditions.

Scarborough lifeboat arrived to assist but Owen and Ann Aisher remained with the casualty until 2200, awaiting sufficient water to enter Scarborough.

Conditions at Whitby were not improving and it was decided to leave the Whitby lifeboat at Scarborough, the crew returning by road to arrive home after midnight.

The lifeboat was brought back to her station the following day, but had remained onservice throughout as arrangements had been made to take the crew back to her by road if she was needed.

After the service the station honorary secretary, Les Heath, commented: 'Attempting to enter Whitby Harbour is quite hazardous enough without a jammed rudder!'.