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Working for your sport Who negotiates in the EEC on behalf of 3.1 million UK yachtsmen, powerboaters and windsurfers, implements safety standards, runs the small ships register, trained over 85,000 people last year in navigation and boat handling, looks after windsurfers, administers yacht racing, selects and manages our Olympic team, manages powerboat racing, provides legal advice, organises the national dinghy show, publishes over 50 books and videos and much more THE RYA DOES.

The RYA is working for your sport.

Royal Yachting Association RYA House Romsey Road Eastleigh Hants SO5 4YA Tel: 0703 629962 Ff/A Join the RYA now and help us work for your sport.

PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS Name Mr/Mrs/Miss Address Postcode Type of Membership Required (Tick as applicable) Full @ £12.00 D Junior up to the age of 21 years @ £4.00 D Date of Birth (Juniors) Signed My principal boating interest is: (Tick 1 box only) Keelboat Racing D Keelboat Cruising D Motor Cruising D Powerboat Racing D Windsurfing D Dinghy Sailing D THE EASY WAY TO PAY DIRECT DEBIT INSTRUCTION Originator's identification number: 955213 Please complete parts 1 to 5 to instruct your bank to make payments directly from your account. Then return the form to Royal Yachting Association, RYA House, Romsey Road, Eastleigh, Hants SOS 4YA Your Instructions to the bank • I instruct you to pay Direct Debits from my account at the request of the Royal Yachting Association.

• The amounts are variable and are to be debited on various dates.

• I understand that the Royal Yachting Association may change the amounts and dates only after giving me prior notice.

• I will inform the bank in writing if I wish to cancel these instructions.

1. Name of account holder/s 2. Account number 3. Sorting code 4. Please write the full postal address of your bank branch below To: The Manager . Bank Branch . Postcode • I understand that if any birect Debit is paid which breaks the terms of the instruction, the bank will make a refund.

5. Signature(s): Banks may refuse to accept instructions to pay Direct Debits from some types of account.

Date: OR CHEQUE/POSTAL ORDER/CASH 'please delete as applicable enclosed for Made payable to the Royal Yachting Association.

Office Use only: Membership No. Allocated..