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New Brighton

New Brighton New Brighton's new purpose-built lifeboat station was officially opened by the Mayor of Wirral, Councillor Mike Cooke, on 28 April 1990 in beautiful spring weather.

The building replaces a prefabricated structure in use for some 16 years and in addition to housing the station's Atlantic 21 class Blenwatch and tractor also provides space for inspection and routine maintenance, a meeting/training room and a souvenir shop.

Some 200 people were present at the ceremony which was opened by the branch chairman Mr Eric Lowe.

Mr Anthony Hannay. a member of the RNLI's Committee of Management spoke about the background to the new boat house before the dedication ceremony was performed by the chaplain to the station the Reverend Anthony Jeynes.

Mr Peter Shillinglaw, the station honorary secretary, brought the proceedings to an end before the guests were invited to partake of refreshments prepared by crew and committee wives..

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