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Membership News

Governors ... Shoreline... Storm Force.. Active Membership The numbers of those joining the Institution's membership scheme have continued to grow apace during the early months of 1990, and the active membership now totals 27,142 Governors and 135,660 Shoreline members.

It is also pleasing to note that the Storm Force membership continues to grow, with 11,900 members and 140 groups.

Remember Campaign 1989 It has already been reported that this campaign was, regretably, not as successful as was hoped when it was launched in 1989. It is now very clear that the funds provided by the campaign will not be sufficient to fund a new Mersey class lifeboat.

It would seem that perhaps the money raised as a result of the campaign should be used towards the upkeep and maintenance of RNLB Shoreline which, of course, is the lifeboat originally funded by the membership. This lifeboat is still in active service at Arbroath, having been transferred from the Blyth station some eight years ago.

Since Shoreline entered service in 1979 she has launched on service 41 times.

Directly Successful On a happier note, our direct debit/covenant campaign has continued, with at least a 5 percent success rate, and we are indeed grateful to everyone for their support. Our continuing aim is to increase the membership, and we must set our sights on reaching the 200,000th active member. Is the total within our grasp by the end of 1991? Remember that we have an attractive recruitment leaflet and would be delighted to send members a dispenser and leaflets which can be displayed in a suitable place so that others are encouraged to join the membership scheme.

Branching Out There are nearly 2,000 Branches and Guilds spread around the UK and Ireland, and every one of them would be pleased to receive help with local fund raising events from any member. The telephone numbers of Regional Offices are given on the back of your membership card (and on page 215 of the Winter 1989/90 issue of the journal) and they can put you in touch with your local branch or guild.

If you are in doubt which region covers your area please telephone the membership section at Poole.

A Grand Total During 1989 income from our membership scheme totalled £1.72m - thank you one and all for your support, please keep up the good work and encourage others to join the lifeboat family. Useful Cuppa Member Howard Watling has hit on a good way to increase the membership from his "Copper Kettle' in the yachting town of Bumham on Crouch in Essex.

Anyone showing their RNLI membership cards is entitled to a free refill of their tea or coffee cup, but Howard keeps a supply of application forms handy and anyone who fills one in there and then still qualifies for their free cuppa! Kay's Great Day Eight-year-old Storm Force member Kay Metcalfe had a day to remember on 22 May when she was an honoured guest at the RNLI Annual Presentation of Awards at the Festival Hall, London.

Kay, who lives in Guildford, Surrey and who goes to St Nicholas' First School was the overall winner of a competition in the March issue of Storm Force News answering the tie-break question 'I would like to meet a lifeboat man because...' with 'it would be nice to congratulate him on being so brave.' Kay. delightfully dressed in a sailor suit, her Mum, Dad and 10-year-old brother Alex travelled first class to London courtesy of British Rail and after a gruelling photocall on the Embankment by the Festival Hall had lunch with the medallists and their families.

Kay's day was made by a glimpse of the Princess Royal, who was visiting their hotel that day, and a close-up view of the Duchess of Kent as she presented the awards. If you are not a member why not join now?.