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Royal National Lifeboat Institution Contents Volume 51 Number 512 Chairman: MICHAEL VERNON Director and Secretary: LT CDR BRIAN MILES RD FNIRNR Editor: MIKE FLOYD Headquarters: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

Telephone Poole (0202) 671133 Telex 41328.

London Offices: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW.

Telephone 071-928 5742 (Enquiries and Fundraising) 071-928 4236 (Public Relations) 071-928 5743 (Central London Committee) Advertisement Manager: PETER HOLNESS Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

Telephone Poole (0202) 671133 Telex 41328 RNLI News 258 What's happening in and around the Institution The Annual Meetings 261 A report on the Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards Ceremonies 265 Naming and dedication ceremonies around the country Lifeboat Services 268 A variety of launches in detail Past and Present 273 From THE LIFEBOAT of 25years ago, and some of today's lifeboatwomen The American Way 274 The RNLI's Public Relations Officer, Edward Wake-Walker, looks at the ways of charities he encountered during a recent visit to the USA The most dangerous part of a boat... 276 Belinda Stannage of the Royal Yachting Association explains how it is tackling safety in small boats The Fundraisers 277 How some of the RNLI's income is raised Your Letters 281 Readers' views on all things connected with lifeboats Membership News 282 News for Shoreline and Storm Force members Governors and Life Governors Zetland 283 One of Henry Greathead's lifeboat survives, at the ripe old age of 190 Lifeboat Services 284 List of services for November and December 1989, January and February 1990 People and Places 287 Around and about the RNLI.