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Gang Warily

Two lifeboats in rescue of fishing boat crew from foot of sheer cliffsCoxswain Peter Race of the Teesmouth Lifeboat has been awarded the Institution's Bronze medal for bravery following the rescue of two men from the fishing vessel Gang Warily on 26 August 1989.

Acting Mechanic Christopher Jones of the Teesmouth lifeboat and Helmsman Rodney Thompson and Crew Member Peter Hodge of the Redcar lifeboat, which also took part in the rescue, have been awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum for their part in the service.The divisional inspector of lifeboats for the East division, Mr Tom Nutman, said that Coxswain Race showed 'skill and great courage in taking his lifeboat into 12ft breaking seas in the dark, and among rocks'. He added that Crew Member Jones ' showed great personal bravery in boarding and taking a small 'X' Boat into these same conditions.' Referring to the Redcar lifeboat's part in the service he added that the service was 'carried out in conditions that were on the upper limit for an Atlantic 21, with the lifeboat only inches away from from the rocks and potential disaster.' He also praised Crew Member Hodge for his 'great personal bravery in entering the heavy breaking seas.' Ashore On 26 August 1989 Mr Ian Readman, the honorary secretary of Redcar Lifeboat station monitored a radio message that the fishing vessel Gang Warily had fouled her nets and was being driven ashore under Huntcliff cliffs. Contacting Tyne Tees Coastguard he asked them to activate the pagers for the Redcar lifeboat, and at 2051 the Atlantic 21 class lifeboat LordBrotherton was launched.

The coxswain of the Teesmouth lifeboat had also been monitoring the same conversation, and the Teesmouth station Honorary Secretary, Mr Donald Helier, authorised the launch of Teesmouth's relief Tyne class lifeboat Owen and Ann Aisher, which left her slipway at 2056.

Both lifeboats encountered a NE Force 6 to 7 wind with heavy driving rain and poor visibility. Once clear of the shelter close inshore the Atlantic met large, confused and breaking seas which frequently filled theboat and made constant attention to the helm and throttles essential.

The larger Teesmouth lifeboat was able to make full speed despite the conditions, with spray sweeping the length of the boat. Very little could be seen from the low-lying Atlantic in the driving rain and spray until, threequarters of a mile from the casualty, the blue flashing light of the Coastguard's Land Rover could be seen on the cliff top.

The Atlantic came as close as she dared without entering the breaking seas, and by the light of parachute flares the crew could see the fishing vessel aground on the rocks under the sheer 360ft cliffs. The rocks cover at high water and there was no way for survivors to climb the cliffs.

With a NE Force 7 wind and a sea up to 12ft high breaking heavily over a large area there was no direct way to the casualty, soHelmsman Thompson anchored and veered down to the fishing boat.The lifeboat's searchlight picked out a survivor on the rocks, and it was obvious that help had to come from seaward, and that the rescue had to be completed before the tide covered the rocks.

About 120ft from the shore the lifeboat's port engine struck a rock, and it was impossible to go closer. Crew Member Peter Hodge volunteered to swim a line ashore and, half swimming, half swept by the seas, he reached the shore and found both crew men from the casualty. He held them tightly as the lifeboat crew hauled them back to the lifeboat. The time was 2130, and the Teesmouth lifeboat had arrived, adding her searchlight to illuminate the scene When only some 45ft from the lifeboat the line snagged and all three men were pulled underwater. Crew Member Hodge was held underwater by the line around his waist, but released the survivors who were washed back ashore. He freed the line and was also washed ashore - without it.

With only three crew members left aboard the Atlantic Helmsman Thompson did not want to put another man ashore, so it was agreed that the Tyne should make an attempt.

The crew of Owen and Ann Aisher prepared the small inflatable 'X' Boat carried aboard the lifeboat and a man from the Atlantic was transferred across to assist.

Surf The Tyne then re-entered the surf bowfirst and eased towards the cliffs. The seas were breaking heavily over the stern of the 47ft lifeboat, and about 150ft from the shore Coxswain Race swung the bow to provide a lee for launching the 'X' Boat. The oars were soon knocked from Crew Member Christopher Jones' hands and the tiny boat was carried ashore by the wind and seas as the lifeboat crew paid out the line.

Once ashore Crew Member Jones took the three men aboard the inflatable as the coxswain edged the lifeboat closer still, the Tyne twice striking her steel bow on submerged rocks, and then eased astern through the breaking waves, pulling the inflatable to seaward. The heavily laden small boat went through the seas rather then over them, but the manoeuvre was successful and the inflatable was brought alongside the lifeboat so that the three men could be pulled aboard - a task accomplished at 2213.

Both lifeboats then moved outside the surf line to stow gear, and transfer the Atlantic's crew back to his own lifeboat ready for the passage back to station.

By 2240 the survivors had been landed at Teesmouth by the Tyne and the Atlantic had returned to the beach at Redcar. Both boats were then re-housed, the Atlantic being ready for service at 2320 and the Tyne by 2342..